A funny look at why most videos are boring – Kevin Daum
Why spend $25,000 on a video that 12 people watch? It doesn’t make much sense, but many ‘professional’ corporate videos are boring and go unwatched!
Injecting fun, humour and entertainment into corporate videos terrifies marketing & PR people. Except it shouldn’t, because it WORKS! After we met at a Leadership Summit last week, I got to interview Kevin Daum, the author of Video Marketing for Dummies.
Interview with Kevin Daum
Adam Franklin: Hi there it’s Adam Franklin here and I’m lucky enough to be here with Kevin Daum the author of Video Marketing for DUMMIES. And I hope that’s [book] not over your face Kevin.
Kevin Daum: It’s entirely possible.
And we’re lucky because we’ve also got an opportunity to ask Kevin a question. And the one thing I’d like to know is, “what’s wrong with most videos these days?”
Kevin: Ok, we have absolutely not enough time to tell you what’s wrong with most videos, but I will give you a couple of things. The first part is most of them try to be too professional which is my euphemism for boring. I mean people try and put so much into them and they’re trying to get all the information out that they have on to video and make it so that you know it looks nice and all it ends up doing is being boring. And that’s really not what you want.
So I’ve got a great example of that. There’s this dentist video that we did in London right. The dentist called us and said ‘Hey can you look at this video? I paid a lot of money for it, but it’s a snoozer.”
[Here’s the video. Kevin added the first 25 seconds to liven up what was previously a typical corporate video]
So I said let’s see if we can focus this down and we just add a little funny part at the start, and we made sure it was targeted to his target market instead of being for all people who needed dentistry, we went after those people who needed implants because that was his best dollars right, that’s where he wanted to make money.
So by doing that we made this video unbelievably hysterical and you know what he’s got 2500 views so far and it’s just been a couple of months.
You’ve got to make it compelling and you’ve got to make it entertaining, and the best part is you know make it funny! That’s what’s going to work.
Adam: Ok awesome, so let go of that corporate boring feel and just embrace a bit of fun and have a go.
Kevin: Yeah have a go. People do business with people they like right, and they like people who make them laugh.
Adam: Yeah sure thing. Awesome Kevin and how can people find out more about you?
Kevin: They can go to KevinDaum.com and check out my videos – they’ll make you laugh.
Adam: And the book. Alright, thank you, cheers Kevin!
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