Kain’s story
“I developed our flagship content (our 1 Page Marketing Plan) as a result of the time I spent learning from you 3-4 years ago. This content has worked so well for us. Yes, we use it with every client and often multiple times throughout the client journey – we keep coming back to it as our foundation document. The reason I created that particular content (…I was looking for something after I did the course with you…) was that I felt (and still do) that the marketing landscape has become confusing/overwhelming for clients and practitioners alike with the proliferation of digital marketing options in the last 5-10 years. I also wanted to focus client’s attention on strategy first, tactics second.
Also ….
The document goes in all our new client proposals and it simplifies and compliments the text-based parts of the proposals.It has provided a tool to engage with potential clients who might be doing their initial research as part of the “like, trust, buy” cycle. This has augmented our Google AdWords and/or SEO activities over the last 3-4 years.
It certainly has directly translated to the winning of 3 clients which have probably amounted to $50,000-$60,000 worth of client work and still going.”
What I love about Kain’s story is that ‘flagship content’ on its own is incredibly valuable and is the gift that keeps on giving!
And yet it is just one of the elements of the course. When you layer on SEO, email marketing, social media and content, you continue to build an ‘online engine’ that allows you to generate quality leads and high value clients.
Check out more student success stories from Sean, Bill, Dave, Jane, Peter, Darren and Melanie on the Double My Leads page.