Where would you say you were at before you joined the LinkedIn course?
Adam Turinas: I’ve been in digital marketing for about 20-something years, and I’ve been on LinkedIn since really early, since 2003. And as I was starting my new business, I thought to myself, “Well, I’m going to use LinkedIn as my primary way to find new customers.”
But I just realised that I just, I knew a lot about LinkedIn, but I didn’t really know how to prospect with it, and not prospect in a way where it’s just sleazy spanning people through Sales Navigator, which I’ve been on the receiving end of. And so, I wanted to develop a better way of doing it, which involved content, which involved nurturing relationships. And so, I was really looking to find a different, better way of getting new customers.
Since you’ve joined the course, Adam, what have you found working for you?
Adam Turinas: Yeah, so, there’s a couple of things. First of all, really practical advice, the things that I could just literally read and do immediately, like making my LinkedIn profile much more effective. And I’ve found that that’s the case immediately.
Six months ago, my LinkedIn profile was my job, and now my LinkedIn profile is who I serve, problems I solve, and how I can help people. And so it’s a better tool for marketing me. So first of all, it was practical advice I could use really quickly.
The bigger thing is, I’d actually taken another LinkedIn course prior to this, and it was a bit basic, and I didn’t like the way that they were suggesting that I use LinkedIn for prospecting. It felt to me like it was spammy.
Whereas what I liked about this particular methodology is there’s a way of developing a much more natural relationship with people. You start by connecting, you start by developing a relationship in a genuine and authentic way, usually, instead of the “give to get” method, which is something I’ve always believed in. And then, eventually you feel like you’ve earned the right to ask for a meeting.
And what I’ve done that, actually coming out of that, is just developed a much more systematic way of doing this. And I used to, I started a number of businesses and I always hate prospecting. I really hate it. But this somehow … I don’t know, I can’t really put my finger… I could almost say I enjoy it, but I certainly, I do it now in a way which is just sort of feels like a natural course, part of the course of my day. It doesn’t feel, I don’t feel dirty every time I do it. I feel like actually it’s like, you know what, I’m reaching out to somebody where I think I can add some value or I’m actually having an engagement with somebody who I’ve developed a relationship with. Now I’ve kind of earned the right to ask them if I can pitch to them.
And how has the prospecting been going in terms of meeting generation and responses?
Adam Turinas: It’s been going really well. I’ve been doing this, I’ve been asked it now best part of a month, and I’ve been able to get meetings with all the acquaintances and all the people in my network who are sort of natural, it was natural for me to reach out to them, but also start to develop new relationships or sort of relationships with people who I’ve met 10 years ago and didn’t really know that well. And so, I’m starting to really see the impact of it.
I’ve also found that by putting content out there that’s sort of relevant content, that I’m starting to get some people who are either in my network of not who are reaching out to me. So I’m starting to see some positive results. So I know I’m going to commit to this.
And what would you say to people who are considering joining the LinkedIn course?
Adam Turinas: Oh, just do it. I mean, it’s more expensive than a course that you can find on any of those online calls, you know, those sort of big online education things. But, they’re absolutely worth it. I mean it’s, as I said, I’ve done, I did another one which was fairly inexpensive and quick and easy to do, and I’ve got so much more out of this. The tools that you get with it, the way the course is structured, makes it really worth it.
And finally, what would you say is the best thing about the course?
Adam Turinas: You know, I think … it’s interesting. It’s a good question. I feel a lot more confident in what I’m doing with LinkedIn. I also, I feel like I’ve got a clear sense of how I’m going to use it going forward and it’s going to feel like a natural part of what I’m doing. So, it’s moved from me from the problem that I started out with, which is I want to use LinkedIn more effectively, but don’t really know how to do it, and I’m sort of not getting that much in the of results, to actually getting some traction with it, and feeling like I’ve got a kind of a clear sense of how I’m going to use it as part of my strategy to grow my new business.
Fantastic. Thanks so much, Adam.
Adam Turinas: Well, thank you.