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Hi [[ contact.first_name ]],
It’s been a big week on this end. I’ve been at a retreat where we all focused on getting in the ‘flow state’…!
Perhaps you’re like me and have heard a bit about ‘flow state’. It’s often been described as being ‘in the zone’ or doing ‘deep work’. For me it’s when time seems to disappear and I do my best work effortlessly, often for hours on end.
I’ve experienced “flow” occasionally, as I think we all have, but I’ve had no idea how to get to that place deliberately or consciously. That is, until this week, where I joined 40 or so fellow business owners and listened to a dozen speakers discuss and demonstrate how they achieve “flow”.
I’ll share more with you soon, but we discussed the future of technology and business, morning routines, peak performance, DNA testing, exercise and sleep and we got to experience voice training, ice baths, breathing exercises, meditation, essential oils and hypnotherapy. I kept a very open mind and it certainly pushed my comfort zones, but I loved it.
I realised I’ve not explored these avenues much in the past and I’m discovering how much it can impact feeling good and getting into flow! It’s an exciting challenge.
Part 2: The lead generation challenge!
Another “challenge” that I’ve been addressing with private coaching clients is attracting new leads.
Lead generation (aka email list building) should be one of our top priorities.
If the ‘money is in the list’, how do you get your email list to a size where it can produce quality sales conversations on a reliable basis?
If you don’t have a website that generates a lot of traffic, it can hard to build a sizeable list. But what if I told you there’s strategy to grow your email list by hundreds or thousands, in just a few months.
My friend Liam Austin (…he’s an actual, real life friend… we used to go surfing in Bondi when we both lived in Sydney… ask him about the black eye he got in the big swell one day..!) Anyway, we’ve collaborated professionally a lot over the years… and back in 2015, he had no email subscribers.
90 days later, after running his first ever virtual summit, he gained 15,000 targeted leads. Today with 15 summits under his belt, Liam has grown an email list of 100,000 subscribers from .
Imagine what even 1% of those results could mean for your business? And it’s not just for “tech-savvy, online professionals” this can work for all types of consultants and professional advisors.
In his new “How To Catapult Your Business” PDF and training video bundle, he’ll show you how list building is only one of 4 massive benefits you’ll gain from hosting a virtual summit. He’ll also show you can launch your own Summit in the next few months – no matter if you’re a small business owner just starting out, or are a seasoned business leader.
Download your copy of the “How To Catapult Your Business” bundle here.
I’m so impressed by Liam’s training, a virtual summit is something I am looking at implementing in the near future!