Why we need to get started in business [#1]
[Brisbane Airport, Queensland, Australia]
Here are 2 high levels ‘take aways’ from my two days in Melbourne for my marketing coaching mastermind (Taki Moore’s Black Belt).
These insights were from Ed Dale‘s “belt breakout session”.
1. You only need to be right once in business.
2. 94% of successful people found success in an area different to what they started in.
VIDEO – Get started in business
Good day it’s Adam Franklin. I just wanted to share two high level insights that I got from the last two days working on the business, with my business partner Tobes down at a mastermind in Melbourne. First, at a high level, insight was you only need to be right once in business.
Despite what we’re taught at school to always pass and never fail, in business most of what we do, a lot of what we do is going to be failing and working at what doesn’t work, and learning from that, and refining that. Then finding the thing that does work, and then you’re sweet.
Part of that too is … Or, the second component, which is another insight was — I think it was essentially a Nobel prize study, or something that surveyed all these successful people, and they asked them “Is what your successful in now what you started out in?”
And 94% of people said no. Which means, the moral of that story, in my mind, is just get started in something. There’s a very high chance it’s not going to be what you end up being successful in, but you need to start!
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