How to avoid the Junk Mail folder
One of my favourite parts of the Bluewire events we’ve been running lately, is the fact that people in the the audience get involved by sending tweets during the panel discussion. It adds another level of interaction.
At our recent ‘Email Marketing Secrets’ event, I was tweeted a question from Tara Noonan from Star Creative. She asked (via her 140 character tweet):
@Bluewire_Media Can you pls talk a bit about subject lines that will send ur msg straight to the spam folder #bluewire
So to answer that question:
If your subject line includes any words or characters that you associate with SPAM – like free, viagra, you’ve won, !!!!!, too many CAPITALS, then chances are you’ll be caught in your recipients Junk Mail folder. If you think about it, it makes sense really – don’t write a subject line that remotely resembles SPAM, or your email will end up in the Junk Mail folder!
When writing your subject lines, keep them truthful and interesting. Let the reader know that they can expect if they open your email so you entice them to do exactly that!
You know from twitter that there’s a lot that can be said in 140 characters, so be descriptive and try to convey the most important part of your email in the subject line. With a subject line, you typically have 50 – 70 characters so use them well!
Email Marketing Brisbane: If you’d like a hand with your email marketing, feel free to give us a call on 1300 258 394.