How to run profitable webinars with Lewis Howes
I hosted Lewis Howes on a webinar for Bluewire News readers last year, so it was great to meet him in person and sit in on his session at Social Media Marketing World last week.
Here are my notes and take-homes from the session on profitable webinars.
Webinar marketing is the best way to teach and sell
With webinars, you can sell anything, including high ticket items. Webinars are so valuable because you are able to teach attendees and people can tune in from all over the world. It scales because you can teach 1-to-many, plus you’ve got the opportunity to make a sales offer at the end of the webinar.
How to get traffic to webinars
Lewis runs Facebook ads continuously because he knows that for example a $600 spend on ads can bring in $4-5k in sales from the webinar. This is definitely an advanced technique and I’d recommend it only when you know what a webinar attendee is ‘worth’ to your business. However once you know what an attendee is worth it makes total sense to invest in Facebook ads where you can attract more people onto your webinar.
Lewis says he makes sales from a few sources, mainly his $1000 training course. Of course not everyone can afford a $1000 product, so Lewis also has a lower price item on offer too.
Tip: 20% text rule on Facebook ads
You’ll get rejected or shut down by Facebook if you don’t self-regulate and keep under 20 per cent text.
Tip: Landing pages that converts
Here’s what to include on your landing pages:
- Captivating headlines
- Clear CTA
- Social proof
- Details of your training
- Testimonials
- Clear simple language (but never be clever)
Automating the process
Lewis suggests to record a bunch of webinars and use the one that converts best as the one you use to automate the process. Lewis is happy to $2 per lead (for a webinar opt-in). Only about 30% show up to the live webinar.
Q&A with Lewis Howes
Pro Tip: Use the webinar Thank You page to make an offer.
Lewis offers a 30 day trial to his membership site for $1 — which then increases to $99 per month after the trial period. This offer is valid for just 5 minutes and Lewis says this converts quite well.
Pro Tip: Ask for a phone number
Then call some of the attendees for feedback.
I asked Lewis a question in Q&A.
My question was how often do you email your list with webinar invites?
Lewis told me he emails his entire list once a month with a webinar invite but twice a week with value-add content. He never does direct selling via email to his whole list — instead he segments his list and only makes offers to people who’ve attended the most recent webinar.
How do you maintain authenticity on an automated webinar?
This question was asked by super podcaster, John Lee Dumas.
Lewis says he has a recorded webinar that includes the Top 20 questions he is frequently asked. Plus his team answers the live Q&A in the chatroom, so there is still a live component.
Find out more about Lewis Howes
Check out his website and listen to his School Of Greatness podcast.
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