[[ contact.first_name ]],
I wasn’t going to share this story outside of my coaching group but one of my clients said “Adam, you should.”
“If it means one more person realises ‘this is a thing’ and does it, then it will be worth it.”
This story is totally unrelated to marketing — but it is ALL about marketing.
So here we are.
I’m in hospital as I write this to you because I’m a bone marrow match with a recipient who needs a transfer.
As the donor, I have started daily injections to boost my bone marrow stem cell production. Then they’ll do the actual extraction/donation and it will be sent off to the recipient.
I’ve been on the bone marrow donor registry for a few years now.
Because I was asked to. Simple as that. Of course I said yes because I knew it could help someone who needed it, but it started with a question.
My journey actually started way earlier.
Half a lifetime ago, I got in the habit of giving blood when the Red Cross Blood Bank van came onto the university campus every 3 months.
Volunteers stood outside the van and asked the question, “would you like to donate blood today?”
I said “yeah, sure.”
After years of regular donations, a nurse asked me “would you like to donate plasma as well?”
I said “yes, sure”.
Years later again, a nurses asked me “would you like go on the bone marrow registry?”
I said “yes, sure”.
When I matched with a recipient, they asked “would you like to proceed with the bone marrow donation?”
I said “of course”.
Each time, it started with a simple question.
I didn’t actively seek them out and insist on donating blood, plasma or bone marrow.
However because they asked a simple question, it started a conversation which lead to a successful outcome for both of us.
I presume you can see the similarities with what you’re doing with you marketing and lead gen.
If you don’t ask the question, your clients can’t say yes.
In a few days I’ll ask you the question if you’d like to know about my new course. It’s the DIY version of my coaching program — keep an eye on your inbox.