Key take aways:
#1. There is an opportunity/necessity to pivot to ‘online’.
“While social distancing has caused a drop in people out-and-about, internet traffic has surged up 70% around the world and social media use has jumped a whopping 22%.” Source: CNN.
Despite the turbulent times right, we also have a big opportunity to focus our attention online. This is especially true as a consultant who sells “advice/IP/coaching/value” where in-person meetings aren’t possible any more.
It’s more of a mindset shift than anything but right now, consultants definitely need to pivot to ‘marketing, selling and delivering’ purely online.
#2. The alternative isn’t great
Sadly, in difficult and uncertain times, some businesses perish, whilst some will survive and eventually thrive. The difference is what we do now. The reality of where we end up in 6, 12, or 18 months time depends on the actions we take when we feel scared and overwhelmed.
If we sit on our hands and do nothing… unfortunately the future won’t be great.
That said, taking small proactive steps now will change your trajectory.
As a consultant who sells “IP/advice/value/results” it is entirely possible to pivot to a ‘remote/virtual’ business model for marketing, sales and client delivery.
#3. Get proactive
- Test out a Zoom account for online meetings.
- Update your LinkedIn Profile.
- Reconnect with clients, past prospects, and people in your network.
- Use this time to create content and implement the tasks you’ve had on your to-do list!
#4. Remind yourself of the opportunity ‘on the table’.
Do a LinkedIn search of your ideal future client.
eg “Role: Accountant Partner > Location: Sydney > Industry: Accounting ”
In this example it delivers 10,000+ results.
Total Contacts (#) eg. 10,000 contacts
x Acceptance Rate (eg. 40%) eg. 4,000 leads
x Prospects – Ready to Buy (~1%) eg. 400 prospects
x Sales Conversion Rate(eg. 30%) eg. 120 clients
x Average Deal Size ($) eg. $10k per client
Total Opportunity ($). eg. $1.2 M per year
This is what I’d like you to remind yourself of and focus on taking action.
Test online meetings, grow your network, build relationships, have conversations with clients, adjust your offer to suit the current climate and create that content you’ve been meaning to for ages!
Chat with me 1-on-1?
Please just hit reply and we can have a private conversation about what your consulting business can focus on to get through these tough times!