Online Marketing Tips & Ideas (Weekly Round-Up Vol. 76)
Social Media Marketing 101: In-House Team, Agency or Consultant? – Mashable
Sadly there’s no magic rubric for deciding whether an in-house social media workforce, a social media consultant, or an agency will best be able to meet your particular business needs. Like almost every business decision, it depends on your business’s goals, budget and particular situation.
There are, however, definite pros and cons to each approach. We’ve highlighted some of the most important factors to consider for each style of social media team. Read More…
Calendaring Your Social Media Marketing Content – Hubspot
From the many Website Optimization Webinars I’ve done over the past six months, I’ve signed up for many Facebook company pages, and I follow tons of people on Twitter. I realize there are those companies – or people – that overkill on the posting and those that I never hear from. The over-killers tend to post information about themselves, and to be honest, after a while I don’t even read their content. Then there are those whose information is consistently valuable. I may not have time to read everything they send, but whenever I do, I’m rewarded. Read More…
5 New Ways to Market Your Brand on Facebook – Mashable
With 500 million members and growing, Facebook offers brands and marketers direct contact to the largest pool of online users on the web. After all, social media is fast becoming more popular than e-mail on mobile devices and more convenient for news consumption than the daily paper.
In recent weeks and months, Facebook has introduced and improved a number of on-site tools that sage brands and businesses can use to better market themselves. Even the simplest of tools such as “Likes” and photos could serve as a catalyst for a viral network effect. Of course, there’s also opportunity to be had with more calculated efforts around Place Pages, Questions and the New Groups. Read More…
Should Your Content Aim for Traffic or Conversion? – Copyblogger
Which articles attract reader attention, bringing you more traffic, more tweets and Stumbles, more eyeballs on the page?
Which articles convert, bringing you more subscribers and sales?
And how do you roll out a strategy that maximizes the twin impact of attraction and conversion? Read More…
7 Deadly Assumptions of Online Marketing Success – Open Forum
It’s not really enough to have a website. These days you must create a total web presence, but you’ve also got to create strategy based on overall objectives.
This is another way of saying unless your online activity ends in a sale you’ve failed in the game of online marketing. There are countless ways to fail on the quest to convert a pair of peering eyes into a paying client. Read More…