If you're committed to learning (like we are), you'll love these great books. Drop by & borrow a copy!
Most of the books in Bluewire’s library have been recommended by Verne Harnish at various Growth Faculty events, and there are a few here we’ve discovered ourselves.
If you’re in Brisbane, feel free to drop by our office in West End and you can borrow a copy — our library is fully labelled and has QR codes, so we can remind you to return them once you’re finished!
Public Speaking
Presentation Zen | Garr Reynolds |
Confessions of a Public Speaker | Scott Berkun |
Own the Room | David Booth |
Be Excellent at Anything: The Four Keys To Transforming the Way We Work and Live” | Bernard McKenna, Glen Thomas & Neal Waddell |
Speaking to Win | Brian Tracy |
The Four Hour Workweek | Timothy Ferriss |
The Art of Non-Conformity | Chris Guillebeau |
The Fix | Damian Thompson |
The Four Hour Body | Timothy Ferriss |
The Four Hour Work Week | Timothy Ferriss |
You are Brilliant! | Mike Francis |
Eat Well, Save More | Cath Armstrong |
Search Inside Yourself | Chade-Meng Tan |
Delivering Happiness | Tony Hsieh |
Rework | Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson |
Zappos.com: 2010 Culture Book | Zappos.com |
Strengths Finder 2.0 | Tom Rath |
Who: The A Method for Hiring | Geoff Smart and Randy Street |
Ownership Thinking | Brad Hams |
Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization | Dave Logan, John King, & Halee Fischer-Wright |
Employee Engagement
First Break All The Rules | Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman |
Employee Enragement | James Adonis |
Performance & Success
Success Built to Last | Jerry Porras |
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us | Daniel H. Pink |
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People | Stephen Covey |
The Magic of Thinking Big | David Schwartz |
Who Stole My Mojo? | Gary Bertwistle |
Secrets of Self Made Millionaires | Brian Tracy |
Richest Man In Babylon | George Clason |
Go Put Your Strengths to Work | Marcus Buckingham |
Be Excellent at Anything | Tony Schwartz |
Collective Wisdom | Brett Kelly |
The Checklist Manifesto | Atul Gawande |
Execution, Influence, Persuasion & Pricing
Making Ideas Happen | Scott Belsky |
Poke the Box | Seth Godin |
Made to Stick | Dan Heath and Chip Heath |
Yes! 50 Secrets From The Science of Persuasion | Robert Cialdini |
Predictably Irrational | Dan Ariely |
Influencer | Kerry Patterson |
Smart Pricing | Jagmohan Raju |
Implementing Value Pricing | Ronald J. Baker |
What Made You Think Of That? | Gary Bertwistle |
Trust Me I’m Lying | Ryan Holiday |
Who’s Got Your Back | Keith Ferrazzi |
Never Eat Alone | Keith Ferrazzi |
How To Win Friends and Influence People | Dale Carnegie |
How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age | Dale Carnegie |
The Big Moo: Stop Trying to Be Perfect and Start Being Remarkable | The Group of 33, Seth Godin |
The Last Lecture | Randy Pausch |
Customer Service
What’s the Secret | John Di Julius |
The Ultimate Question 2.0 | Fred Reichheld |
The Future IS Customer Service | Kym Illman |
The Future Is Customer Service | Kim Illman |
Raving Fans | Ken Blanchard |
The Leap: How 3 Simple Changes Can Propel Your Career from Good to Great | Rick Smith |
Multipliers | Liz Wiseman |
Tribes | Seth Godin |
Start With Why | Simon Sinek |
The One Minute Manager | Ken Blanchard |
First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently | Tony Hsieh |
The Truth about Leadership | James M. Kouzes |
The Prince | Niccolò Machiavelli |
The Strategist: Be the Leader Your Business Needs | Cynthia A. Montgomery |
A Stake in the Outcome | Jack Stack and Bo Burlingham |
Duties and Responsibilities of Directors and Officers 18th edition | Professor Bob Baxt, Judith Madigan & Design Strategy |
Secrets of Internet Entrepreneurs Exposed | Dale Beaumont |
Harvard Business Essentials – Negotiation | Michael Watkins |
Masterclass for Entrepreneurs – Vol 1 | Professor Tom McKaskill |
The Eagle Boys Pizza Story | Tom Potter |
Poke the Box | Seth Godin |
The $100 Startup | Chris Guillebeau |
The Ultimate Sales Machine | Chet Holmes |
Fire Your Sales Team Today | Mike Lieberman and Eric Keiles |
It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want to Be | Paul Arden |
Pitch Anything: An innovative method for presenting, persuading, and winning the deal | Oren Klaff |
Daily Sales Motivators | Tom Sant |
Daily Sales Motivators | Jack Daly |
Built to Sell | John Warrillow |
350 Ways to Grow Your Business | Peter Switzer |
Business Stripped Bare | Richard Branson |
Mastering The Complex Sale | Jeff Thull |
SNAP Selling | Jill Konrath |
Selling in Tough Times | Tom Hopkins |
Sales Dogs | Blair Singer |
Daly Sales Motivators | Jack Daly |
Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich | David Garfinkel |