Split your marketing into seasons [#73]
[Woodford, Queensland, Australia]
An interesting concept that I got introduced to recently was the idea of splitting your marketing and business activity into seasons. Here’s what I discovered.
Hey folks, Adam Franklin. Just on my run actually, and I just wanted to take the time to share what I’ve been reflecting on after the two or basically three day, sort of get in the flow retreat at the Gold Coast recently. One of the things that resonated was this concept of being … it was from an athlete that was one of the speakers that said, “You can’t always be in finals. There’s like an in-season, there’s an off-season, there’s a pre-season, and there’s finals week.”
I think as marketers or business owners, we’re often loving the finals week, but obviously you just can’t sustain that or maintain it. And oftentimes you neglect stuff that you know you should be doing, but you just justify because it’s final week, or I’m busy, or I’ve got this important project on.
Anyway, I’ve taken that on board. I’m back into my running. This is a Saturday long run. I just saw these cows and it’s out in the country. It’s really quiet, peaceful. Listening to an audio book as we go. But yes, have an off-season, have a pre-season, have an in-season and a finals. I certainly find when I’m building up to a workshop or a live event, that’s like the finals. That’s where it’s high intensity, it all builds up to that. But I need to remember to have downtime after that. So, a weekend at the coast is often enough, or just a quiet week with no bookings. At the same time, we need to do some pre-season, we need to plan stuff out. We need to build up, we can’t just be go, go, go all the time.
Anyway, that’s my two cents worth from out at Woodford, you can see the cows behind me. Hope you find that useful and I’ll talk to you again soon. See you.
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