How to get more testimonials via social media
[Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia]
Today’s topic: How to get more testimonials via social media
TRANSCRIPT: Testimonials via social media
Hello. Adam Franklin here again for a Facebook Live. Thanks for all the lovely comments and shares and likes from my previous videos, so I’m going to keep continuing to do these.
Today’s topic is tips for relationship-based online marketing.
I’m coming to you from the sunny Gold Coast Surfers Paradise beach, in fact, and the topics we’re going to cover today is how to get more referrals and more testimonials.
I’ve just finished speaking up to a very lively group of relationship-based marketers and I just wanted to share with you some of the tips, but before that, let’s just take a quick look at the surrounds here. For everybody that’s tuning in from either overseas or outside of my home state of Queensland, this is a nice winter’s day, not that you could tell on the Gold Coast.
How to get more customer testimonials via social media
All right, I’m going to steady this up. The best way to get testimonials and referrals is actually to be generous in the first place and to give testimonials and referrals. The law of reciprocity kicks in and people are keen to return the favour, but that’s not the reason you do it. You do it with no expectation of anything in return.
You just do it from a place of generosity, and what you’ll find is that people are going to be writing testimonials for you and also referring you. Now, if you’ve been the person that’s facilitated a really meaningful connection with other people and that’s resulted in business, then how could you not be top of mind when it comes to them thinking about you and potentially referring business your way?
Always get in the habit. With online tools like LinkedIn and Facebook, it’s very easy to know what other people do and who they help and who they serve. Keep that in mind and always be on the lookout for facilitating good and useful business introductions. Then you’ll stay top of mind and other people will hopefully refer you.
Employee and client testimonials via social media
Same goes with testimonials. Always be on the lookout for people that you can write or record a testimonial for this way. You’ll probably get them in return, but it’s just a nice philosophy to take. Now when you do get testimonials, you might have something, say on a Facebook page that they’ve written to you, people might send you an unsolicited email saying that you are nice to work with, and that’s really wonderful.
Often we just leave them in our inbox or we leave them on our Facebook page and we don’t put them to good use. What I encourage the audience today to do is to recycle and repurpose those testimonials. If you get something on your Facebook page, get a screenshot and put it on your blog or your website, or take those words and turn it into an Instagram graphic using a tool like Canva or Typorama. That way, you can get more mileage and leverage out of your testimonials.
People trust recommendations from a friend
Now, one of the stats that really sealed the deal for me when it came to fully embracing social media was the fact that only 14% of people trust an advert, yet 93% of us trust a recommendation from a friend. Now, I’m sure that resonates with you. It certainly hit home for me, and what that means is that if I say something about Bluewire or whatever product or service I offer, it’s going to be probably seen as an advertisement and only 14% of people will trust it. Yet if somebody else talks about me, or in your case if they talk about your product or service to their friends, then it’s going to be six times more trustworthy because 93% of us trust a recommendation from a friend as opposed to what we say ourself.
Collect testimonials
So at the very least, get testimonials, collect them, repurpose them, because what other people say about you is six times more compelling than what you say about yourself. And also try to share useful, valuable content with people because not only is it beneficial to them or to the right people that you’re targeting, but also if it’s good enough, they may share it and more people may come across it, and that’s the name of the game with social media and relationship-based marketing. You’re not here to hit the home run on your first interaction with people. It might take months or even years for people to know who you are, like who you are, trust who you are to buy from you and to refer you.
Invest in content and relationships
So look. Do invest in your content, do invest in your relationships, play the long game, and this is how momentum builds. The great thing about doing it online is that there’s a record of it. It’s there on your blog, it’s there on your Instagram, so when people do go digging around and stalking you and looking for whether or not they should engage you or your company or buy your products, there’s this digital footprint that demonstrates that you’re reputable and reliable and trustworthy.
Those are my tips from today for relationship-based online marketing.
We covered how to get more referrals and how to get more testimonials. So from the Gold Coast, have a wonderful day and I’ll look forward to seeing you on the next video. All right, take care.
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