We don’t need 1000s of people
100-150 DISCIPLES: One of the key things that I like to explain to audiences is that we don’t actually need as big an audience as we think we do.
If we want to get, say, 10 or 12 new ideal ‘sweet spot’ clients, what we really need is probably about 100 to 150 people who are devoted to the outcome that you can help them achieve.
Now, I refer to these people as disciples, because the word disciple means devoted.
In order to uncover your 150 or 100 disciples, all we really need is about a thousand people. We don’t need tens of thousands people or massive lists or social media followings.
We need to find about a thousand people so that we can whittle that down to a 100- 150 disciples, and those are the people who you would focus most of your attention on because out of that you’ll get your 10 or 12 next clients.
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PS. When you're ready, here are 6 ways we help consultants & advisors grow:
1. Web Strategy Planning Template (PDF). Our flagship 1-page tool we co-created with David Meerman Scott. It’s been downloaded over 1 million times and featured on Forbes.
2. Read a free chapter from our book. Web Marketing That Works --- an Amazon #1 best seller.
3. Join the private group on Facebook. Access free training resources, and hang out with 2,300+ peers.
4. Discover your marketing score. Take the 40 point Marketing Scorecard (in < 6mins) and get a customised report.
5. DIY with the 50+ Script Library. It's for connecting with new people and nurturing them into high-value clients.
6. Let's brainstorm how to fill your marketing funnel. DM the word "INTERESTED" via Messenger or book a 20 min slot to talk on Zoom.Content Marketing Sales Funnel
Your content marketing sales funnel is all about getting people to know, like and trust you by nurturing them with the right information at the right time.