Weekly round-up (Vol. 69)
No more vacation: How technology is stealing our lives – Salon.com
I don’t feel like Rebecca Traister feels but I know I’m in the minority. When I’m gone for the weekend, I’m often actually uncontactable as I roam through mobile-coverage-free countryside. But for many people, the constant contact their laptops and smartphones provide means they’re also constantly working, constantly available. This isn’t the first time you’ve heard this, I know, but this is a very well-written and hard-hitting article. Rebecca uses phrases like “eat our lives” to describe what these technologies are doing to us.
Do you feel like a victim of this “monster” or do you think you’ve hit a balance?
The 7 Secrets of Social Media Conversion – Unbounce
Somebody visits your website via your Facebook page… so what? Here’s how to get them converting: Special landing pages [1] with the right message [2], backed by proof [3] and easy to share [4], with a really simple lead generation form [5] and a back-up call to action [6], all followed up effectively [7]. Phew! If you like these tips and share them on Twitter, don’t forget the #shhhh hashtag.
What’s your biggest question about converting with social media?
7 Services to Find and Reserve Your Name Across the Web – Mashable
If you think you’ll want to get into social media at some point (perhaps after reading the article above!) but don’t want to start right now, you might consider signing up for the various accounts you’ll need before somebody takes your name. You can create social media accounts long before you start using them, with no problems. In fact, these seven services can make that happen…
The circle of tech life: How computer symbols are born & technologies die a thousand deaths
The Secret Histories of Those @#$%ing Computer Symbols – Wired Gadget Lab
Ever wonder why the Bluetooth logo looks like some ancient rune? Because it is. Discover the history of all your favourite techy symbols in this interesting article.
The Tragic Death of Practically Everything – Technologizer
Bloggers have a habit of hailing the end times of any technology ever slightly superceded by another. This article brings a few together to highlight how the internet must be an “unrelenting bloodbath” with all these deaths! Enjoy, because the platform you read it on is surely on its last legs.