Watch my 1:18min video on “Who do you accept on LinkedIn?”
So who I do accept…?
I accept people who look interesting, who are industry peers, or who could clients one day. Plus I connect with people who interact with my content.
My philosophy is that every client, every business contact and even every friend was a stranger, once. Then we meet for the first time and we develop the relationship from there.
So on LinkedIn, I encourage you to be open to connecting with new people, especially if you like what they do, if you have mutual friends or if they are in a related industry or city to you. You shouldn’t connect with ‘everyone’ but keep in mind that every stranger now could be a future friend, colleague or client. Hope that helps!
VIP INVITE: Key Person of Influence Half-Day Workshops
I wanted to give you first dibs on one of 5 free tickets to a business workshop in Brisbane and Sydney — run my our friends at Dent Global. I’ve been to it before and it’s well worth investing the half day.
The Brisbane workshop (Thurs 5th Sept) is run by Mike Clark. Fellow Bluewire community member Jon Hollenberg is one of the guest speakers, and long time Bluewire student, Shane Hayes was one of my guests last time they ran the event. I’ve got 5 VIP guest tickets available and .
The Sydney workshops (Tues 27th Aug and Tues 10th Sept) are run by Glen Carlson. Here’s the link to register for one of my 5 VIP passes for Sydney.
At either link you can also get a free copy of their book “Key Person Of Influence” even if you can’t make the actual event.
To my Indian readers…
I’m coming to Bangalore on November 14-15 to give a keynote at the , alongside Neil Patel. If you’ll be in the area, it would be great to meet up while I’m there.