Get certified as a Social Media Specialist

We’ve just released quizzes for each of the modules in this program and when you successfully pass them, you will earn recognition and become a Certified Social Media Specialist.
Why is this important?
Businesses and marketing teams need social media specialists who know how to achieve commercial results, aka an ROI!
Knowing how to build relationships and attract buyers via social media is very valuable. Every business needs this skill set.
Why get certified?
There are many reasons to get certified. Anyone can ‘use’ social media, but there is a real skill and methodology to using it to develop business relationships, attract prospects and earn revenue online. Genuine Social Media Specialists possess these skills and use them daily.
Who is this for?
Marketing professionals
You can demonstrate your expertise to employers and colleagues and have confidence in yourself that you are competent for the job.
Business owners
You will know that the colleague you enrol in this program will move through the entire program and will be held to the standard of passing our quizzes.
Marketing consultant or agency
This course will make you a better marketer yourself and a better consultant and trainer. Take everything you learn and teach your own clients and probably charge more premium prices.
Students and aspiring professionals
Stand out from the pack and demonstrate your skills. Add your certification badge to your LinkedIn profile to attract better jobs.
How does it work?
It’s simple, you take the Social Media That Works Online Course which consists of 4 main modules and a primer module. At the end of each module you sit the quiz to progress to the next module. There are 46 questions and you need a 80% rate to pass. They are not tricky questions, but you will need to digest all the material or be at a high level to be able to pass.
This way you can properly consume all the material and prove to others (and yourself) that you meet Bluewire Media’s social media standards.
What is the standard?
The standard you are tested for is the standard we hold ourselves accountable to at Bluewire Media. It’s based on how we run our own social media system, how we’ve trained our own team and also our private clients. Once you complete and pass the quizzes, you will be recognised as a Social Media Specialist certified as meeting Bluewire Media’s standards.
Taking part in this program will also allow you to….
Quiet the constant buzz of social media… reclaim your precious TIME
You really can break the shackles of guilt, do your most important work
and deliver an ROI with social media.
Announcing the Effective Social Media Strategies Online Course
What if you could build a social media SYSTEM that freed up your time and put you back in control to focus on the high value stuff? And be recognised for it?
This is proven, step-by-step system that shows you how to master yourself, what to delegate, what to automate and what to ignore. And exactly how to do it!
Finally, the social media course that actually works (so you can reclaim your time and do your best work)
- Even if…you are new to social media
- Even if… you are an overwhelmed marketing pro drowning in to-dos
- Even if…you have no idea where to start or where to turn
And yes… especially if you want to silence the nagging voice and take ownership of your social media, so you can be freed up to focus on the high value stuff — like content, relationships and business development!
This program is the secret to social media for business — by knowing what to do yourself and what to master, delegate, automate and ignore.
Do you want to know the secret of the top businesses using social media?
It doesn’t matter whether you are a seasoned marketing pro, drowning in guilt (aka a never-ending social media to-do list) or a confused, gun-shy beginner, and don’t know where to start… the secret is you need a system.
We’ll teach you exactly how to master social media for business — the exact SYSTEM so you can fast-track your social media journey, and focus on the truly valuable stuff.
Strategies to tackle the biggest challenge of social media: TIME
Six months ago we were drowning in social media “to-dos”.
We knew social media worked but it was chewing up all our time.
We had written blog articles that we needed to share but couldn’t prioritise even to happen consistently (even though we had a top rated business blog for over 4 years).
We had a Facebook page that never got the attention it deserved (despite the fact it had been responsible for attracting a key employee that saved us $13k in recruitment fees).
We had a few thousand Twitter followers but we couldn’t keep up with scheduling content and replying to tweets (despite the fact Twitter was the reason we were invited to meet with the CEO of a billion dollar company).
We followed tons of great bloggers and journalists and had even connected with many of them but never had a chance to share or promote the best articles (even though we landed major national press coverage in BRW and The Financial Review off the back of a Twitter exchange)
We knew the importance of doing all this but TIME was the enemy.
We were trapped doing it all ourselves.
There weren’t enough hours in the day to do social media properly. Or at least that was excuse. Of course the reality is that we all have 24 hours in the day, and we were simply occupied doing other things. We were not making the most of the opportunities of social media despite the fact we understood the value of doing things like creating content like blogs, videos and podcasts.
We didn’t have make time to promote the content were creating. We felt bad. We also felt guilty because the best social media platforms available to us, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ weren’t being used to their full potential…. Not to mention how hard it was to keep up with all the new platforms that were popping up like mushrooms.
We knew there had to be a better way.
Over the years we’d done some of the tough work of “content creation” but struggled to keep up with sharing the blog articles we’d toiled for days over, posting the podcasts where we’d got up at 3am to interview the guest and videos we’d filmed on our journey. Then we made some big revelations… a lot of what we were attempting to do ourselves could be done better by someone else, or could be automated, or could be ignored. More on that soon.
Tell me, do you also struggle with any of these?
- finding time… to create content
- finding time… to update everything
- finding time… to keep up with constant change
- lack of resources
- not knowing what to post
- finding good quality content
- committing to a consistent content calendar
- knowing which platforms to use
- knowing where to start or what to focus on
If so… you are not alone.
How did it turn into a burden and become so difficult to navigate?
Years ago as all the social media platforms burst onto the scene, did you expect them to become a burden on our marketing efforts?
We certainly didn’t expect it, but that’s exactly what they became —- a burden.
The promise of social media was being able to build a tribe, connect with your customers and share your content with a whole new audience. The reality was that new social media networks popped up all the time, the hard work we invested in some platforms was immediately rendered useless.
The myths about social media
Myth #1: I need more followers, fans and likes
Truth: you need more of the right customers who pay you money. Fact: you cannot pay your rent, team or the tax man with likes, retweets or pins!
Myth #2: I need to be on every platform
Truth: you need to be on the social media platforms that are right for you and your buyers. Fact: The best in the world focus on a handful of platforms and master them. An all too common trap is trying to be across all of them and then spreading yourself too thinly, getting overwhelmed and giving up.
Myth #3: I have to do it all myself to be ‘authentic’
Truth: You need to focus on the things that ONLY you can do. Fact: If someone else can do something better than you (like creating graphics or formatting blog posts) or if software can handle the tedious grunt work (like posting social media updates), then you should set this system up. This way you can do the important, high value work, like creating top quality content and forming relationships online.
Myth #4: I can wing it
Truth: If you want to succeed with social media for business, you need a strategy, processes, a support team, software, teachers and ideally community of peers. Fact: For most people social media is a hobby — they surf Instagram or Facebook as a form of recreation and this is fine. However they are not marketing professionals. You need to take it seriously (but still have fun!).
Buyer Beware: A quick word on the social media scammers (and how to swerve them)
Many of us have been led down rabbit holes by self proclaimed ‘experts’ who sold us the dream that getting more followers, more likes and more retweets was the holy grail. Some dodgy operators would even sell you fans and followers. Not cool!
Every second social media cowboy on the Internet will claim they can solve all your business problems. Of course, it’s disappointing that these scammy people still exist and spin lies. It’s hard enough to navigate the web even without the bad advice going around. As for the dodgy scam merchants floating around, if it doesn’t feel right, please walk away. Or google them and see what comes up. It is amazing what scary truths you can find out with a simple Google search — RipOffReport.com, Scam Alert websites and Facebook groups warnings surround dodgy operators, so do your research.
There are definitely lots of good people, so get to know, like and trust them via their free material before you fork over any money.
Pop Quiz
What is it that the world’s best marketers and business owners do with social media (that not only seems effortless but they get results head and shoulders above the rest)?
Answer: They have a system for managing social media!
They have a system that frees them up to do precisely what only they can do. Their system enables them to delegate to their support team, to automate what software can handle and to ignore the unimportant stuff that sucks us in — if we allow it to.
Here is the answer to that time-suck…
The reliable step-by-step blueprint for ‘Effective Social Media’.
- Do you want to get a handle on social media and have the time to do it justice?
- Get up to speed and thrive with social media?
- Maybe you wish you got started with social media years ago, but haven’t?
- Do you want to understand how to turn likes, fans, and followers into leads, clients and revenue?
- Do you want to amplify your results and fast-track through the painful learning phase?
- Do you feel like you’re falling behind with social media and want to up-skill as a marketing professional?
- Are you spinning your wheels and losing motivation?
Then you’ll love this practical, no-fluff, 4 module online course, with 9 workbooks, and 20+ training videos and how-to guides. It teaches you how to implement the best social media concepts from our book, Web Marketing That Works.
Hi, it’s Adam Franklin & Toby Jenkins
And we’re here to help you on your social media journey. We’ve been on this journey for many years now and we are ready to teach you (if you are ready!)
It’s the best parts of our book (on steroids!)
This social media training course dives deep into the concepts from our book “Web Marketing That Works: Confessions from the marketing trenches” written by us, Adam Franklin and Toby Jenkins.
Introducing…. brand new, previously unreleased content
The material in this course has never been released to the public — in fact the latest 4 modules are so new, it’s only ever been shown to our exclusive workshop attendees and private clients.
When we run this course in-person at live workshops, the ticket price exceeds $1,000 and to do it privately, companies pay $10,000+ for the education. Plus in these full day sessions there is never enough time to cover even a quarter of what is contained in this online course.
Toby teaching a private corporate workshop
We’ve been teaching this material for many years and we’re continually refining the way we teach it and updating the content to reflect the fast-changing world of social media.
Ever since we’ve run our own social media workshops, friends, clients and subscribers overseas have been asking if an online version of the course existed.
But it didn’t, until now.
Because you asked, we’ve decided to release everything — training videos, workbooks and how-to guides. We have spent the entire month prior to releasing this course making sure everything is completely up to speed, and laid out in a simple, easy to follow format, with screen shots and videos to ensure that you get started, set up properly and are using social media like a pro! We’ve restructured, reorganised, and recategorised the material — all to make it easier for you to absorb and master. Now this is your chance to get your hands on exactly the same material, instantly, for a fraction of the regular corporate price.
Are you a…?
- A business owner, CEO or marketing professional?
- A student looking for an edge or aspiring to work in social media?
- Real estate agent, mortgage broker, insurance broker or financial planner?
- You run a marketing, PR or communications, or web design agency?
And does this describe you?
- You want a blueprint for social media success?
- You want to fast track your learning and build systems and a team around you?
- You know you need to understand social media but you have no idea where to start?
- You’re not sure how frequently to post, or even what to say on social media?
- You don’t know how to track it or measure leads?
- You avoid telling people you’re on LinkedIn because you’re embarrassed by what they’ll see?
- You have a Facebook page but you’re not sure how to use it for business?
- You’ve got the social media basics set up but need a systematic approach to using it all effectively?
- You’ve heard all about Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram but don’t know how to create the right sort of content?
- You’re not a tech-savvy Gen Y, but you know you need to learn social media?
Why do people fail at social media?
[Mistake #1] Because they don’t start.
Fear, trepidation and not having enough time are common reasons. If you don’t start, you’ll obviously not be able to progress. But how long are people prepared to be left behind? Social media has been around for well over 5 years now… and it’s time to start. If not, you’ll be too far behind the pack when you decide to get going.
[Mistake #2] Because they go it alone.
Success in any pursuit is damn near impossible on your own. You always need help from other people to reach your potential. If you are learning to drive, you get an instructor, if you are learning a language you get a teacher, and if you are an athlete, you have a trainer. The best athletes, musicians and CEOs all have coaches, systems and a support network. We provide you training, systems and an ongoing support network.
[Mistake #3] Because they don’t have a process.
Without a systematic approach, success will be unlikely, random and unscalable. However with an easy to follow and easy to execute process, you’ll develop the right habits in less than 4 weeks. We’ll teach you exactly what to do.
[Mistake #4] Because they seek more information, not more action.
We often think that more information alone will change everything. However knowledge without action has little value… and the perverse thing about the Internet is that we can always find more and more information on a topic and it gets us bogged down. It can be a vicious trap that leaves us overwhelmed, unproductive and second guessing ourselves. We read blog post after blog post, never stopping to realise that we’ve become ‘content consumers’ instead of ‘content creators’. We wait for “some magic day” when we’ll change…thinking if we just find one more bit of information, it will change everything.
[Mistake #5] Because they bury their head in the sand (and go out of business!)
This is the major one. Massive companies like Borders, Kodak and Blockbuster are all out of business because they failed to move with the times. They buried their heads in the sand and were trumped by smaller, younger and web-friendly companies that embraced technology and adapted to how their customers wanted to buy. Ignoring social media is the riskiest thing you can do.
In fact, you may be painfully aware how important social media is!
You may have noticed that old-school CVs and resumes are a thing of the past. These days, social media (especially LinkedIn) is your resume, business card and portfolio all-in-one . Whether you know it or like it, your digital footprint (aka what people see about you online) is what you are already being judged on. You can be sure that any prospective employer, client or employee will be googling you long before they contact you (if they even contact you!).
- What is someone meant to think if they google you and nothing shows up?
- Or worse still, what if it doesn’t do you justice or you’re embarrassed by what they see?
- How are they meant to know about your talents, your communication skills or your achievements?
- Think about what opportunities you may have already missed because your social media footprint wasn’t up to scratch?
This is simply the truth these days…
- How would you react if you googled a potential supplier, job candidate or business partner and you found nothing?
- Would you work with them….? Or would you hire someone else who had their stuff together?
- Could you honestly believe that someone ‘knows their stuff’ if they didn’t have a good LinkedIn profile?
Don’t let other people get the jobs, clients, promotions or employees that you deserve… all because your social media profiles are lousy (or non-existent). Yes, your digital footprint is that important. And it’s your social media presence that makes or breaks how you are treated in this hyper-connected social world we all live in.
Achieving your business goals with social media
You need to achieve your business goals, not chase vanity metrics. [more to come].
Social media is here to stay, so let us show you how to master it.
Like many people you may be unsure exactly what to do or where to start. That’s ok. You know that it’s possible and you know that you are capable of being taught. Great results are just around the corner. Getting started with social media is like riding a bike, learning to ski or getting your driver’s licence. It takes a bit of practice, some patience and a good teacher. We are here to teach you, because without a teacher, it can be a frustrating, long and costly journey. In fact, we’ve spent the best part of the last decade learning the skills of social media. We can show you the mistakes to avoid and teach you how to master social media. Are you ready to read on?
Do you love our 33 templates and 4 free training videos?
We hope you are already familiar with our free social media tools like the Social Media Planning Template and Social Media Guidelines Template and many, many more. They have been downloaded by tens of thousands of people, and probably by you too. If you’ve found them valuable then hopefully you will like the way we distill the most important bits into easy to implement plans of attack. Our hope is that you will have already put some of our 30+ templates into action and generated significant benefit already.
We also hope that you’ve enjoyed our 4 free training videos on how to set up your social media strategy, how to handle negative comments and how to set up your social media guidelines. That’s over 60 minutes’ worth of training that is usually reserved for paying clients. At retail rates, that alone is more value than the course price. This will give you a good taste of what you can expect in this course.
Is Bluewire’s free content superior to others’ paid offerings?
Yes. Or so we are told by industry experts and students alike. Here’s some unsolicited praise
If you’ve come this far, maybe you agree?
Our hope is that you’ve already used and implemented our free templates (and training videos) and that you’ve already experienced significant value first hand, and you are excited by the value that our paid content holds. If this describes you, please read on…
In a world full of unregulated Internet scammers, we have spent over a decade trying to prove ourselves to you by delivering the best free material we can.
Give us 4 weeks and we’ll give you:
- What to master (because you, and only you can do it)
- What to delegate (and to whom, plus the process for doing so)
- What to automate (with the tools and step-by-step screenshare tutorials)
- What to ignore (because it’s not important!)
- The truth about Social Media for Business
- How to connect and communicate with people who will become your happy customers
- How to humanise your business and inject your personality into social media
- How to set up your social media strategy
- How to use LinkedIn for business to connect with, attract and convert qualified sales prospects
- And have social media guidelines to give your team the framework and permission to shine!
- The most important things you need to do now to get the results you want
- Social Media Specialist Certification
A personal message
Social Media That Works
Social media really does work, and this course works:
- Even if (especially if) you are up to your eyeballs and need to free up some time
- Even if…you don’t have an audience yet.
- Even if…you’re not a tech-savvy Gen Y.
- Even if…you’re overwhelmed with no idea where to start.
How have we worked out social media that works?
Simple, we’ve attended dozens of seminars and conferences, read hundreds of books, asked plenty of questions and most importantly we’ve relentlessly tested everything for nearly a decade. As one reader said, we’ve spent a decade on the frontline of the social media revolution — the biggest cultural shift in our generation. And you now get the best insights compressed into this 4 module, 4 week course.
Over the last decade, we’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars and countless hours learning from the best web marketers around the world and observed what they actually do themselves. We connected with and interviewed over 100 of the marketers we admire most.
More importantly, we’ve been implementing the methods we’ve been taught.
Modelling the masters
We are students of social media ourselves.
Over the last five years we have interviewed many of the most successful social media minds on the planet including:
- David Meerman Scott
- Chris Brogan
- Dave Kerpen
- Joe Pulizzi
- Joel Comm
- Brian Solis
- Jay Baer
- Barry Feldman
- Andy Crestodina
- Danny Iny
- Kevin Daum
- Darren Rowse
- Liz Strauss
- Pat Flynn
- John Lee Dumas
- Andrea Vahl
- Gini Dietrich
- Laura Fitton
- Dan Zarrella
- Eric Keiles
- Liz Strauss and dozens more. We’ve asked these people point-blank about their success and failures, and we’ve baked it all into the course.
- We’ve also learnt from the likes of Gary Vaynerchuk, Rand Fishkin, Lewis Howes, Noah Kagan, Chris Guillebeau, Tony Hsieh and Seth Godin (and we intend to interview them too one day!)
- We’ve tested out their strategies and will teach you the parts that work best for business.
Adam interviewing Pat Flynn
Model the masters, until they become your peers
Our philosophy is to model the masters and until they become your peers. We’ve been in the game for over a decade and many of the most respected people in the marketing industry have endorsed our book and our approach to the web.
Many of the names mentioned above wrote blurbs for our book and are people we consider friends today.
How many people make the effort to travel across the globe to meet, connect with, learn from and partner with the world’s best? And not only that, are prepared to package the information and share it as a program.
You’re committed to learning, like us?
Ever since we started our business journey, we’ve been keen students of marketing and social media. Every year for nearly a decade we’ve invested thousands of dollars to learn from people who are doing what we’d like to be doing. This way we’ve been able to fast track our journey.
With Gary Vaynerchuk
We’ve also been able to look over the shoulder of people we want to emulate. We prefer to learn from the people who have done what we want to achieve. Whether that’s in business or life in general, we want to learn from the doers, not the talkers or the theorists. We’ll choose the fit personal trainer, the healthy doctor and the accomplished business mentor. That’s just us – each to their own, right? But if this approach to learning rings true for you, then you’re at the right place. We can teach you, train you and mentor you, because we have runs on the board.
We’ve put together a robust framework that’s been stress tested on the social media frontline. We’ve synthesised all the best information out there, so you get the stuff that works. This is good news for you, since you’re busy, you have your own expertise and like us, you’re happy to pay to fast track your learning from people you know, like and trust. This course contains exactly what we wish we’d had available to us when social media was born in the mid-2000s.
We’ve been putting it into practice, daily, for a decade.
We’ve been getting our hands dirty since social media was ‘born’ in 2005.
Through trial and error we’ve seen first hand what works and pinpointed where your focus needs to be. Being the guinea pigs ourselves has seen us make the inevitable mistakes but what this means for you is that we can save you time, effort and money.
We’ve put the best bits into this course.
We’ve been able to distill it down to the most effective parts which we do ourselves, and what we advise our clients on and teach in our full day workshops.
Are you overwhelmed? You are not alone
We’ve been there too. Overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information, daunted by deciding who to trust and perplexed by the sometimes contradictory advice spouted by some of the fly-by-night gurus. You could spend the next 5 years reading everything there is on the web and end up more confused than you are now. Or you could start taking action today, and improve as you go.
That’s always been our approach. This online course is straightforward and practical. It is deliberately simple and designed to cover what you need to know right now — we won’t bombard you with confusing theory. It’s all in a workbook format full of our own examples which you can blatantly steal, borrow or tweak. This course is designed for you to IMPLEMENT, because that is the ONLY WAY to get the results we are all craving.
If you implement just a fraction of what is laid out in this course, you’ll be streets ahead of people who read 10 marketing books, but take no action. Everything in this course is what we’ve learnt from the marketing trenches. Genuine first hand experience. It works, and we are here to help you. Fast track your marketing by learning from our experiences!
Let us ask you an honest question
If there is so much free information out there about social media, what’s holding you back?
When we surveyed our 17,600+ email subscribers about their #1 struggle with social media.
The overwhelming response was TIME (or lack of it). Not enough…
- time… to keep up with constant changes
- time… to learn everything
- time… to learn what tactics to employ
- time… to keep up with all the constantly changing social networks
- time… to know what to post and where to start
- time… to stick to a content creation plan
- time… to keep up with so many resources saying so many things
- time… to find resources
Any of these sound familiar?
So how come we claim we want to learn social media — and we even read the right blogs like Seth Godin, Hubspot or Buffer — but we are still yet to start? One of the most common barriers to getting started is our tendency to need to “figure it out” with just a little more information.
- “Is Google+ going to be big? I’ll wait and see…”
- “I’ll watch what works for other people… and then I’ll start”
- “I’ll get my ducks in a row before I start this…”
There’s a difference between the people and businesses who say “I’m gunna do social media” and those that are successful at social media. The “I’m gunna” people read blog post after blog post, and say “Yeah, I really need to get started with social media one day.” But to be successful at social media, you just start — even before you’re ready. It’s that simple.
You are not alone
Even though social media has been on the radar for many years, you are certainly not alone in wanting to be further along. Finding the right people to listen to and finding the time to do it can be hard. The good news is we are here to help.
If you give us 4 weeks, we’ll give you the skills you need to succeed. You’ll get the exact framework that we teach private clients. In 4 weeks time, you’ll be up and running, and unstoppable!
Our philosophies
Many businesses see social media as a silver bullet — something they can simply “do” when they need leads, or sales or revenue. And if you wait that long to embrace social media it’s way too late. It’s like approaching a running coach when your marathon is this weekend, and pleading “I need you to get me fit to race”. An impossible task, right?
Our philosophy is to do the work first. You need to build your social media asset, long before you need leads, sales or revenue. Now is the time to start, and now is the time to put the systems, support team and coaches in place.
Like getting fit, or eating well, mastering social media takes time and commitment to see results. It’s simple, but it’s not easy, and it’s never quick. There will be a learning curve and there will be some pain. This is a good thing because it is supposed to hard. The people who put in the work to publish awesome content and build strong relationships get massively better results than the rest. Firstly most other people don’t invest in social media until they “need it” and many others simply will give up when the going gets tough…
If you do the work that others won’t, you’ll get results the others can’t.
When we started our business journey and then our social media journey we got ourselves mentors, we read books, attended webinars, took courses, travelled to conferences, engaged consultants and interviewed experts. We gave ourselves every advantage we could get. Our philosophy was, if we weren’t going to take it seriously, why bother doing it in the first place?
If you’re going to dive into social media, why not go all in and play to win?
Philosophy #4: LEARN FROM THE BEST
In any area of business, the best performers get results head and shoulders above the rest. Whilst it may seem effortless from the outside, they nearly always have studied more, experimented longer and implemented much more to reach that level.
Of course you can learn social media from any teenager, uni student or your nephew. Or you can learn from our decade of experience as we’ve moved up the value chain to the point where have published a book, received national press coverage and speak to audiences all over the world. It’s your choice who you learn from, but we are here to share the best stuff we’ve learnt.
“Toby and Adam’s insight and knowledge into Social Media Marketing has helped our team understand not only the process for setting up effective social media accounts, but gain a grasp on creating real strategies for making these platforms work hard for any business. And to add to that, we downloaded the physical templates and step-by-step guides, which is something that I can continuously refer back to in the future. A really exciting and thought-provoking course.”
— Hailey O’Brien,
Marketing consultant at TLS Marketing.
“I was very impressed with Adam and Toby’s Social Media Course and general knowledge on this confusing topic. Unlike other ‘digital marketing experts’ these guys really know what they are talking about and are truly able to break it down for anyone to understand. Their passion for the topic really shows in this course!”
— Johnny Russell
Partner at Liberate Accounting & Tax
“The training was great, I got a lot out of it that I have already implemented. Thank you for the templates.”
— Tina Radford,
Managing Director HR Business Solutions.
What do I get in this course?
Lifetime access to all of the material. 4 modules, 9 social media workbooks (107 pages in total), the entire Social Media Online Academy library of 20+ videos and how-to guides.
4 Training Modules (worth $1,188)
Module #1: The essential skills you need to master (valued at $297)
8 lessons taught by Adam Franklin
1.1 What you need to master with social media
1.2 My typical 5 hour social media week
1.3 Responding to tweets & connecting with people on Twitter
1.4 How to use LinkedIn advanced search to find prospects
1.5 How to reach out and connect with potential buyers on LinkedIn
1.6 How to use LinkedIn as a CRM and guarantee an ROI
1.7 Why your network is so important
1.8 How to connect with influencers on social media
Module #2: What tasks to delegate (valued at $297)
9 lessons taught by Toby Jenkins
2.1 What you should delegate on social media
2.2 How to find and recruit a Social Media Manager
2.3 How to select and hire your Social Media Manager
2.4 The pros and cons of hiring interns
2.5 The pros and cons of hiring virtual assistants (from ODesk/freelancing sites)
2.6 The pros and cons of hiring employees
2.7 Social Media Manager system swipe file
2.8 Other tasks you can delegate
2.9 How to measure ROI of social media
Module #3: What you can automate (valued at $297)
8 lessons taught by Adam Franklin
3.1 What you can automate on social media
3.2 How to use Feedly to find (and curate) content to share on social media
3.3 How to use Buffer to schedule updates
3.4 How to use CoSchedule to promote a new blog post
3.5 The Click to Tweet system in action
3.6 How to use Meet Edgar to schedule evergreen content
3.7 How to monitor social media with Mention.com
3.8 How to grow your email list with social media (on autopilot) >>
Module #4: What you can automate (valued at $297)
4 lessons taught by Adam Franklin
4.1 What you ought to ignore on social media
4.2 80/20 rule in action with social media
4.3 Why Kred and Klout aren’t worth your time
4.4 How to know you are doing your highest value work
Quizzes to become a Certified Social Media Specialist.
Take the quizzes at the end of each module when you pass you will be recognised as a Social Media Specialist.
Plus all the material from the original version of the program…
In this training vault you get all the material that we teach our private consulting clients. The regular price for this in-person training is over five figures per day, and with so much content there is never enough time in one day to cover it all. You get all the material, forever. If you’re a marketing consultant you can teach it as many times as you like to your own clients and bill significant fees for each project. You will recoup your investment many times over in a single day of consulting, not to mention the retainer programs.
If you’re a corporate marketing manager you can take these workbooks and make them your own. Rebrand them, edit them or use them as they are and train your colleagues exactly how to use social media.
9 social media workbooks – 107 pages in total
(worth $1,270)
Workbook #1: Social Media Strategy (16 pages – worth $197)
- How to define and document your social media strategy.
- Define your buyer personas.
- Creating and publishing content that solves your buyers’ problems.
- How to find valuable third party content to share on social media.
- How to set up your social media guidelines.
- A process for social media risk management.
- How to handle and respond to negative comments.
- The best free and paid tools for monitoring social media.
- How to plot your editorial calendar.
Workbook #2: Facebook (13 pages – worth $147)
- Set up Facebook with step-by-step instructions.
- How to enhance your profile (whilst not breaking Facebook’s Ts and Cs).
- How to fill in your timeline.
- How to create albums and tag friends.
- How to craft the perfect update.
- How to secure your custom business URL.
- Learn the best apps to install.
- Discover 3 easy things to get your updates seen by more people (without having to pay Facebook to boost your posts).
- How to post with the right frequency for your business.
Workbook #3: Twitter (14 pages – worth $147)
Learn how to set up your Twitter profile properly.
- How to craft the perfect tweet.
- Discover the best time to tweet, the best words to use for maximum retweets and the ideal length of a tweet.
- Learn the tools to find the best people to follow.
- Learn the Twitter etiquette of mentioning people, referencing content and reaching out to people.
- Understand the Twitter jargon like hashtags, RTs (retweets), DM (direct messages) and @mentions.
- Learn how to get one of those custom short URLs that you see around (eg. we use http://bluewi.re).
- Learn the ins and outs of Twitter Advanced Search eg. You can find Twitter conversations going on within a 15 km radius around you about certain topics (people who may even become your buyers!)
- Find the apps and tools for monitoring and scheduling that save you time and effort.
Workbook #4: LinkedIn (13 pages – worth $147)
- How to set up your personal LinkedIn profile and secure your custom URL.
- How to set up your company’s business page and secure your custom URL.
- Learn how to enhance your profile so you are putting your best foot forward.
- Find and connect with colleagues and people you may know.
- How to use LinkedIn as your contact relationship manager (CRM) by setting reminders, tags, notes and how you met.
- How to publish like an Influencer. Blog directly to LinkedIn and share it with a ready made audience (an introduction to LinkedIn Publishing).
- The power of LinkedIn Groups – how to join a group, start a group and how to start a discussion.
Workbook #5: YouTube (9 pages – worth $97)
- Set up your YouTube channel and enhance your profile.
- Learn how to do the 4 major types of videos.
- Discover how best to do screen sharing videos with tools like Screeenflow Hero.
- How to create the popular talking head videos from your own smart phone.
- How to do video interviews using Skype or a handycam.
- How to do live events like a Google+ Hangout on Air.
- How to upload videos
- How to write video descriptions and adjust your privacy settings.
- How to tag videos properly for SEO.
Workbook #6: Google+ (10 pages – worth $97)
- How to set up your personal and business Google+ pages.
- How to enhance your profile.
- How to attach images, slides, videos and podcasts.
- How to share content from all over the web.
- How to grow your community and Google ‘circles’.
Workbook #7: Instagram workbook (11 pages – worth $97)
- How to set up your Instagram account on your smart phone or tablet.
- How to take pro-looking photos by applying cool filters.
- How to tag or mention someone and share your pics with your friends.
- How to record videos on Instagram.
- What free and paid apps you can use to get really creative with your pics.
- How to connect your Instagram to Facebook to get more visibility.
Workbook #8: Pinterest (6 pages – worth $97)
- How to set up your Pinterest profile.
- How to set up your pin boards.
- The secret behind the type of images that get the most re-pins.
- How to search and discover Pinners to follow and connect with.
- How to set up a Business page on Pinterest.
- How to get infographics made.
- How to pin your favourite things from all over the web.
Workbook #9: Social Media Tools (15 pages – worth $147)
- How to set up and use Feedly to follow all your favourite blogs on your smart phone, tablet or computer.
- Learn how to share the best blog posts across your social media profiles with ease.
- Save time logging into all your social accounts, and use Buffer to schedule your social media updates.
- How to set up what times and how frequently you want the Buffer ‘queue’ to release your social media updates.
- Learn the little etiquette rules of thumb that have big impacts.
- How to set up and use Hootsuite to monitor all your Twitter activity on easy dashboards.
- Use Hootsuite to listen in to conversations on specific topics related to your business.
Plus you get the complete library of training guides and videos from Social Media Online Academy…
20+ Training videos and guides from Social Media Online Academy
(worth $299 per year)
Our colleague Selina Power has created an ever-growing library of training videos and downloadable how-to PDF guides.
There are 20+ videos and PDFs right now. That’s right, every video comes with its own step-by-step how-to guide.
A private Facebook group of peers (invaluable)
Imagine having 10, 20 or 100s of people to bounce ideas off, connect with on social media and get motivation from? Well there is a private group on Facebook for you and all your peers in the Social Media That Works private community.
It’s specifically created by us for people who have bought our book or who have enrolled in our courses, and you will be welcomed into this group!
We will also introduce you to some special guest members who can help with social media implementation (if you’re looking to build your team).
So far, this Social Media That Works course is worth $2,757
To spell that out, 4 modules, the 9 workbooks plus Social Media Online Academy training content is worth $2,757. But wait there’s more ;)
Certified Social Media Specialist 
You get the Social Media Specialist Certification once you pass the quizzes (and of course the badge to display on your website, blog or LinkedIn profile)
PLUS you get 3 Special Free Bonuses (worth $315)
Sign up today and receive the following bonuses that we’ve hand picked for you. The bonuses alone are worth $315.
Bonus #1: Web Strategy Summit e-book (worth $19)
All the highlights of all 19 speakers from the Web Strategy Summit that we hosted in Brisbane. If you couldn’t make it to our Web Strategy Summit, you can still learn from the 19 amazing speakers who shared their tips. This 42 page e-book is the pocket book guide, jam-packed with all the take-home gems from the speakers and a copy of every single tweet from the event.
Bonus #2: Full length social media presentation by Adam Franklin (worth $197)
Watch the full length 50 minute keynote called “The Truth About Social Media for Business” that Adam Franklin gave in Sydney to over 500 people.
See entertaining case studies and learn all about Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, blogging and email marketing. Plus develop your own social media strategy for your business. I’ve given this presentation to over 70 audiences around the world. You can choose to watch it on demand from your desk or home.
Bonus #3: John Corcoran’s “How to Cold Email Any VIP” webinar with Adam Franklin (worth $97)
In this private 69 minute webinar recording, Adam and John discuss how to connect with influencers via email and social media.
John Corcoran is a former speechwriter in the Clinton White House and relationship expert.
Social media and email are the perfect tools for building relationships.
Bonus #4: Adam Franklin’s keynote “Killer Digital Strategies for Mortgage Brokers”
You get the full length 53 minute recording of Adam Franklin’s keynote presentation.
Total value of this offer including bonuses is $3,072.00
It also includes:
- Our full 60 day money back guarantee for total peace of mind. To get a refund you simply email us at adam.franklin[at]bluewiremedia.com.au. We’re easy to reach. See down below for the full description of the guarantee.
- It’s tax deductible as a business expense.
- You get unlimited lifetime access.
- You get all future modules that we create at no extra cost.
- Pay easily via PayPay, Visa, Mastercard or American Express.
- A receipt will be issued automatically. (If you need an Australian tax receipt we’ll send you one, even though the price is in US Dollars).
We do want to let you know that the price for this course will definitely go up as we add more modules, workbooks, videos and guides. So if you are interested, or think you’ll be ready for it soon, we encourage you to get in at today’s prices.
Which option is right for you?
Social Media That Works Online Course
6 Monthly Payments of $637 USD
(Limited spaces available)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons)
- Certified Social Media Specialist
- Training Vault (9 workbooks, 21 how-to guides and videos)
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course
- 5 x guided implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout
- An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $425 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
Social Media That Works Online Course
6 Monthly Payments of $187 USD
(Prices never this low again)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons)
- Certified Social Media Specialist
- Training Vault (9 workbooks, 21 how-to guides and videos)
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course
- 5 x guided implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout.
- An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $125 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
Social Media That Works Online Course
6 Monthly Payments of $147 USD
(Lowest price guarantee)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons)
- Certified Social Media Specialist
- Training Vault (9 workbooks, 21 how-to guides and videos)
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course
- 5 x guided implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout
- An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $85 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
Here are your options in detail:
Social Media That Works Online Course
Lifetime access
6 Monthly Payments of $637 USD
(Limited spaces available)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons): Everything outlined above is all yours plus you get all future updates, revisions, and expansions included forever.
- Social Media Specialist Certification
- Training Vault #1 – 9 workbooks: the workbooks are the exact ones we use with private clients for whom we do hands-on social media training. They cover strategy, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest and the Tools.
- Training Vault #2 – 20+ how-to guides and 20+ videos: This training material is from the Social Media Online Academy and you will be guided step-by-step via screenshare videos and how-to PDFs.
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group: You get to meet fellow students, ask questions, and contribute to the Social Media That Works community.
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course: This is our other flagship program that has 9 modules covering your web strategy, website, blog, email marketing SEO, speaking & events, social media, content marketing and more . It sells on its own for $297 USD and the price for the program will definitely be increasing soon too. You get it included in the option (as well as all future updates).
- 5 x Guided Implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout. You and a select group of fellow marketers and business owners will join us for live fortnightly calls to help you implement this program. Not only will you get to meet the others in the group via live Google Hangout, you are getting direct access to us (Adam & Toby) for your most pressing questions. Each session will be recorded and made available to each Platinum member.
- An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney. You will be invited to our mastermind event in Sydney where you’ll learn directly from Adam and Toby in person for the entire session. We’ll teach you and you’ll get time in the hot seat to discuss your biggest challenges and opportunities. The marketing transformation you’ll experience and the networking at this event will easily be worth the ticket price alone.
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $425 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
Social Media That Works Online Course
Lifetime access
6 Monthly Payments of $187 USD
(Prices will never be this low)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons): Everything outlined above is all yours plus you get all future updates, revisions, and expansions included forever.
- Social Media Specialist Certification
- Training Vault #1 – 9 workbooks: the workbooks are the exact ones we use with private clients for whom we do hands-on social media training. They cover strategy, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest and the Tools.
- Training Vault #2 – 20+ how-to guides and 20+ videos: This training material is from the Social Media Online Academy and you will be guided step-by-step via screenshare videos and how-to PDFs.
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group: You get to meet fellow students, ask questions, and contribute to the Social Media That Works community.
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course: This is our other flagship program that has 9 modules covering your web strategy, website, blog, email marketing SEO, speaking & events, social media, content marketing and more . It sells on its own for $297 USD and the price for the program will definitely be increasing soon too. You get it included in the option (as well as all future updates).
5 x Guided Implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout. You and a select group of fellow marketers and business owners will join us for live fortnightly calls to help you implement this program. Not only will you get to meet the others in the group via live Google Hangout, you are getting direct access to us (Adam & Toby) for your most pressing questions. Each session will be recorded and made available to each Platinum member.An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney. You will be invited to our mastermind event in Sydney where you’ll learn directly from Adam and Toby in person for the entire session. We’ll teach you and you’ll get time in the hot seat to discuss your biggest challenges and opportunities. The marketing transformation you’ll experience and the networking at this event will easily be worth the ticket price alone.
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $125 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
Social Media That Works Online Course
Lifetime access
6 Monthly Payments of $147 USD
(Lowest price guarantee)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons): Everything outlined above is all yours plus you get all future updates, revisions, and expansions included forever.
- Social Media Specialist Certification
- Training Vault #1 – 9 workbooks: the workbooks are the exact ones we use with private clients for whom we do hands-on social media training. They cover strategy, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest and the Tools.
- Training Vault #2 – 20+ how-to guides and 20+ videos: This training material is from the Social Media Online Academy and you will be guided step-by-step via screenshare videos and how-to PDFs.
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group: You get to meet fellow students, ask questions, and contribute to the Social Media That Works community.
Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course: This is our other flagship program that has 9 modules covering your web strategy, website, blog, email marketing SEO, speaking & events, social media, content marketing and more . It sells on its own for $297 USD and the price for the program will definitely be increasing soon too. You get it included in the option (as well as all future updates).5 x Guided Implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout. You and a select group of fellow marketers and business owners will join us for live fortnightly calls to help you implement this program. Not only will you get to meet the others in the group via live Google Hangout, you are getting direct access to us (Adam & Toby) for your most pressing questions. Each session will be recorded and made available to each Platinum member.An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney. You will be invited to our mastermind event in Sydney where you’ll learn directly from Adam and Toby in person for the entire session. We’ll teach you and you’ll get time in the hot seat to discuss your biggest challenges and opportunities. The marketing transformation you’ll experience and the networking at this event will easily be worth the ticket price alone.
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $85 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
By the end of this course, you will have:
- A system for automating parts of your social media like scheduling your evergreen content across Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
- An editorial calendar mapped out with exactly what you need to do on each social media platform, every week.
- You’ll be using all the best apps, tools and websites to be using social media like a pro!
- You’ll have enough content ideas (and the skills to create them) for every social media platform too.
- The confidence to use social media on all the different platforms.
- Be recognised as a Certified Social Media Specialist
Why listen to us?
We’ve been in the marketing trenches every day for nearly a decade. We’ve not been playing it safe from the sidelines. Instead we’ve been getting our hands dirty and discovering what really works.
Some reasons to read on include:
- We wrote the book on Web Marketing That Works (and this course dives deeper into those concepts).
- Our blog has been named one of Australia’s Top 20 Business Blogs for 4 years, and was Australian Writers’ Centre Best Business Blog finalist this year.
- Our blog was named Australia’s #1 business blog according to Smart Company in 2015.
- We’ve been contributors to Startup Smart, Smart Company, The Australian, Sydney Morning Herald and Dynamic Business.
- Featured in mainstream media like Financial Review, The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, BRW, The Courier Mail and Smart Company.
- We’ve written for popular blogs like ProBlogger, Convince & Convert, Orbit Media and Lifehacker.
Toby on Channel 9’s EXTRA
- We’ve been interviewed on TV, radio shows ABC Brisbane and 2UE and many of iTunes’ most popular podcasts like Entrepreneur on Fire.
- CEOs of major public companies and high profile business owners call on us to guide them through the social media maze.
- Bestselling author and keynote speaker David Meerman Scott has written about us and the Web Strategy Planning Template in his modern classic marketing book, “The New Rules of Marketing & PR” (we’re on page 154-156) which has sold 300,000 copies.
- David Meerman Scott actually liked our Web Strategy Planning Template so much that he asked if he could co-brand it with us (of course we said yes!).
Adam giving his Truth About Social Media for Business presentation to 100s of people
- Between us, we have been trusted to speak at over 100 conferences to tens of thousands of people (over 100 of these talks have been Adam Franklin’s keynote The Truth About Social Media for Business.) People all over the world pay us to speak to their audiences because they appreciate what we can teach them about social media!
- We run our own annual events with many of the world’s most renowned industry leaders speaking in the lineup. Think Jeff Bullas, Iggy Pintado, Ross Dawson, Valerie Khoo, Laurel Papworth and many more.
Toby teaching a corporate social media workshop
- Private corporate clients are happy to pay tens of thousands of dollars for us to teach them social media in person. (This course is exactly what we teach in these private training sessions but at a fraction of the price of what executives with big corporate budgets pay).
- We have a top rating podcast on iTunes called Web Marketing That Works where we interview many of the best social media minds on the web.
- Adam and Toby both teach this exact material at one of Australia’s leading universities, QUT, as guest lecturers.
Some of the magic we’ve seen first hand with social media…
- We were invited to a private meeting with the CEO of a billion dollar company — via Twitter…. (How? We tweeted him, migrated over to email and we were invited to meet with him!)
- We saved $15,000 in recruiters’ fees — via Facebook. (How? By attracting talent to Bluewire from posting photos and stories!)
We’ve attracted hundreds of back links — via Pinterest. (How? By repurposing content into infographics that get shared like crazy!)
- We landed national press coverage in BRW and The Financial Review off the back of a Twitter exchange (and a systematic monitoring process).
- We got our book deal with Wiley to write Web Marketing That Works on the back of the fact we had built a social media platform (not to mention the size of the audiences of the bloggers we knew via social media as well).
- In fact we had connected with Wiley on Twitter long before we were approached to write the book.
- We’ve connected with world famous bloggers, authors, speakers and business leaders — all initiated via Twitter.
- Every week, we have hundreds of people share our marketing for free, because we’ve baked social media into everything we do. You can do the same.
Which option is right for you?
Social Media That Works Online Course
6 Monthly Payments of $637 USD
(Limited spaces available)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons)
- Certified Social Media Specialist
- Training Vault (9 workbooks, 21 how-to guides and videos)
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course
- 5 x guided implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout
- An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $425 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
Social Media That Works Online Course
6 Monthly Payments of $187 USD
(Prices never this low again)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons)
- Certified Social Media Specialist
- Training Vault (9 workbooks, 21 how-to guides and videos)
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course
- 5 x guided implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout.
- An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $125 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
Social Media That Works Online Course
6 Monthly Payments of $147 USD
(Lowest price guarantee)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons)
- Certified Social Media Specialist
- Training Vault (9 workbooks, 21 how-to guides and videos)
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course
- 5 x guided implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout
- An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $85 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
Trusted by 18,100 marketers worldwide
Over 18,100 Bluewire News readers in 100+ countries
- You are likely one of our weekly ‘Bluewire News’ readers and hopefully already familiar with our work.
- The Bluewire News goes to over 17,600 marketers in 100 countries all over the world, and this number grows by hundreds every week.
- These emails get well over average open rate (each week it’s between 20-30%)
- Compound that with an 8X better industry average click through rate (our click throughs are usually over 30%)
- In short people get to know, like and trust our content over time, which hopefully you have done and that is why you are here. (If you’re new around here, there is no need to rush in just yet, unless you want to. Please feel free to check out our 700+ blog articles, 100+ videos, 37+ free templates, 70+ podcasts and 8 e-books to get a feel for what we’re about.)
- If you do already know, like and trust us (thanks, we appreciate your attention!), we are confident you’ll find this social media course valuable.
What the experts say
– Brian Solis, author What’s The Future of Business (WTF)
– Valerie Khoo, author Power Stories
– Glenn Murray, author SEO Secrets
– Brett Kelly, author Business Owners Wisdom
– Trevor Young, author mircoDOMINATION
– Jeff Bullas, author Blogging the Smart Way and #11 Forbes Social Media Power Influencer.
Be the internal champion, get certified and help train your team
This online course gives you the opportunity to be the internal ‘social media’ champion!
It’s a startling fact…
that many CEOs, managers and business owners don’t train their staff in social media
- Would you expect an apprentice chef to know how to use a knife without any training? NO (they could hurt themselves).
- Would you expect a pilot to fly a plane without any training? NO (they’d crash, or more likely they wouldn’t get off the ground).
Likewise, your colleagues cannot be expected to know how to use social media safely and effectively without proper training. If you believe in the cause, you can be the one who takes the initiative to be the internal champion. You certainly want to avoid scandals like Dell Hell, Domino’s Pizza, United Airlines Breaks Guitars and Weiner-gate from happening at your organisation.
We’ll certify you
To say that the reputational damage and real-money costs are HUGE is an understatement. Avoid all this by training your team. This course gives you the workbooks and training videos to train your team and give you peace of mind!
So you like our free templates, and you’re ready for the next step?
Great. Hopefully you have downloaded our free templates and tools from our website, and found them valuable. If not check them out first.
- We’ve released over 30+ free templates and 8 e-books which have been downloaded 10,000+ times.
- If you’ve found our free templates to be valuable on their own, wait till you start this course ;)
As you may know, we are committed to releasing most of our IP for free. However we reserve our very best stuff — where the real 10X value lies — for clients who are ready to take action. Taking action is where the money is — not just reading about it.
Is this course for you?
We believe in being very transparent about who this course is right for…and who it is not for. If you’re on the fence about this, you should not join. We are very serious about making sure we deliver value and we want to see you get the results you desire.
YES, this course is for you if…
- You are ready to take control of your social media (and delegate, automate and ignore certain parts) so you can do the important stuff!
- You struggle with TIME (we’ll show you the system to free up your calendar)
- You are ready to start your social media journey
- You want to get up to speed on social media
- You consider yourself a newbie, beginner or at an intermediate level and want to be Advanced.
- You are already advanced in terms of your knowledge but still struggle to find time to implement.
Or YES if..
- You want to know how to turn fans, likes, and followers into leads, customers and revenue.
- You have your basic social media profiles set up and want to know what to do next.
- You’re a bit embarrassed about not knowing what’s going on with social media.
- You want be able to train and coach your colleagues and clients
- You love our free templates
- You take action — it’s full of activities, tasks, examples, how-to videos, structured workbooks and lists of the pro tools we use.
- You want a ready-built support network of peers to connect with and learn from.
- You are ready to implement everything for real!
But, NO, this course is not for you if….
- You don’t intend to allocate the time to consume the material in the course.
- You want the A-Z of social media. We are already paralysed by information overload. Taking action gets results, not knowing more! (However, this material teaches you the stuff that matters, and shows you what you can ignore. Afterall we all want to reclaim our time!)
- You want to know about PAID advertising on social media platforms (that is not our expertise).
- It’s not for people who want to know what about the latest and greatest social media platform to take the world by storm, like Meerkat or Periscope. (The program teaches you about the major social media platforms that have stood the test of time, not every single shiny new toy!)
- It’s not for people who are half way through another course. It’s easy to bite off more than you can chew, and if you’re trying to work through 2 courses at the same time, it’s very easy to get OVERWHELMED. Our suggestion is finish your current course, and come back here afterwards.
- It’s not for people who want instant results, with minimal effort. It will take effort, but becomes increasingly fun, exciting and rewarding!
- It’s not for people who aren’t willing to take a long term approach.
- It’s not for people who aren’t prepared to take baby steps to advance their social media journey.
This Online Course is perfect, if you:
- Want to take control of your social media (and maybe even teach other people like clients or colleagues).
- Want to reclaim your time to focus on the important things (like quality content and strengthening human relationships)
- Are prepared to take action (at your own pace and from the convenience of wherever you are located).
- Want to focus on building your social media assets and profiles.
- Understand that KNOWING is one thing, but DOING is where the results happen!
Or you could Do-It-Yourself
The alternative to taking this course is the DIY approach. Here’s what you might do:
- You could spend the next 10 years working it all out on your own.
- You could spend tens of thousands of dollars to fly to dozens of conferences around the world.
- You could connect with hundreds of bloggers and social media specialists yourself and form personal relationships with them.
- You could follow them for years and observe exactly how they use social media, and then implement it all to see what works for your business.
- You could interview 100+ recognised social media experts.
- You could form your own online community of people to support you and answer questions.
- You could devote every single day to learning social media and how to apply it.
Or you can save yourself a decade of hard slog and $10,000+ and get everything you need in this jam-packed, easy to follow, actionable course. Of course the choice is yours.
Which option is right for you?
Social Media That Works Online Course
6 Monthly Payments of $637 USD
(Limited spaces available)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons)
- Certified Social Media Specialist
- Training Vault (9 workbooks, 21 how-to guides and videos)
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course
- 5 x guided implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout
- An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $425 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
Social Media That Works Online Course
6 Monthly Payments of $187 USD
(Prices never this low again)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons)
- Certified Social Media Specialist
- Training Vault (9 workbooks, 21 how-to guides and videos)
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course
- 5 x guided implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout.
- An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $125 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
Social Media That Works Online Course
6 Monthly Payments of $147 USD
(Lowest price guarantee)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons)
- Certified Social Media Specialist
- Training Vault (9 workbooks, 21 how-to guides and videos)
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course
- 5 x guided implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout
- An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $85 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
Frequently asked questions
Does this include a copy of your book?
No. But it is recommended reading and you can buy it on Amazon.
Must I have read your book?
Yes, if you want to get the best results. It is recommended reading.
Who created the training program?
Adam Franklin and Toby Jenkins created the program. We wrote the book Web Marketing That Works and we have over 30 lessons across 4 modules and restructured the course into an online learning centre, so it’s as easy as ever to navigate around. The workbooks and course curriculum are based on teaching this program at workshops and in private consulting for the last 4 years.
Who teaches the core material?
We do. Adam & Toby. We’ve refined the core program based on the fact we’ve interviewed dozens of private clients, surveyed hundreds of Bluewire News readers and got live feedback from thousands of audience members.
Some how-to videos from the training vault are taught by our colleague Selina Power.
Is the course easy to follow?
Yes. There are 4 modules, clearly laid out. Plus the Training Vault contains 9 step-by-step workbooks and 21 how-to guides and videos.
Is it step by step or smorgasbord?
BOTH. You can go through the modules in sequential order (Module 0 and Module 1 are available right from the start), or else if you prefer jump straight to the section that appeals to you most. We do recommend starting with Module #1. After that, go where ever you please.
How long do I need to do the course?
4 weeks. A new module is released every week.
How will I get certified?
You will have quizzes at the end of each module, and once you pass these quizzes you will earn certification and also receive a badge that you can use ot showcase your achievement.
What level is this aimed at?
Complete newbies and beginners will have everything they need to get started in the Training Vault. Intermediate level students will become totally confident using social media
And the best news, this program is now for ADVANCED social media professionals. We’ve tackled the biggest issue that we all face, and that is TIME. The 4 module course will allow you to reclaim your time to focus on high value activity whilst having the confidence that you are maintaining a consistent publishing schedule of your best content. In completing the 4 module you will also become a certified social media specialist.
How is this different from University or corporate and entrepreneurial programs?
For starters, this material is based on exactly what we do at Bluewire — as marketers and business owners ourselves. It’s how we’ve trained team members and clients. We teach this material at some universities and corporate and entrepreneurial programs and this course goes much deeper because we are not limited by time. You might have noticed a lot changes with social media and since we use this system ourselves we are always refining it, staying active and never on the sidelines.
Is the free 4 part video series inside the course too?
Yes. All the free training videos and templates are included inside the course for easy reference. It’s in the Module 0: Social Media Strategy.
How is the course delivered?
The entire program is delivered via an online learning centre that you can access for life.
You’ll get immediate access to the online course when you register your account. With your username and password you will have access to the first module and training vault of 9 workbooks, 21 training videos and how-to guides. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th modules will become unlocked as you complete the prior module and pass the quizzes.
It will look like this:
How are the workbooks delivered?
Each of the 9 workbooks is delivered as a PDF and Word version. You have the option of printing out the PDFs or alternatively typing straight into the Word documents.
Are there any in-person components?
The course itself is all online. If you decide to go for the Platinum option you get 5 Guided Implementation calls with Adam or Toby via a live Google Hangout. They’ll be recorded and made available to you forever.
When do I start?
Immediately after you sign up. You’ll have instant access to all the first module, the Training Vault, workbooks, videos and guides.
Is there an expiry date?
No. You have lifetime access. Plus, the entire course is self-paced, so if life gets in the way — a vacation, a wedding, an unexpected event — you can easily “resume” the course whenever you like. So with your lifetime access you’ll always have access to it.
Will the price go up?
Yes. The price you see today will definitely increase. Given the value of this course material, we expect the price to rise to $997 USD within a few months.
What will the price increase to?
The price will increase to at least $897 USD, and we intend to be selling it for $997 USD within a few weeks.
Do I have to pay for new updates or upgrades?
No, all updates are included. The good news for you, is you’ll get all the future updates for free once you’re a student in the course. That’s right, once you’re in you’re in. You buy in at today’s price and never pay a cent more. You get lifetime access to the content and all future upgrades.
Can I use this material and framework to consult to my clients?
Sure. Once you learn something it’s hard to un-learn it! So if you want to go through this course and skill yourself up in social media, you’ll be more than qualified to pass your knowledge to others. In fact, you’ll make your investment back in no time once you teach this to your own clients!
Will I get access to future updates?
Yes. In fact we will most likely add updates and new content to this course.
Will I need a budget for social media advertising for this to work?
No. Our philosophy is to help you build a web marketing asset, rather than get you hooked on advertising. What we mean by that is we’ll teach you how to invest in things that you own and that live online forever and appreciate in value. In contrast, social media advertising depreciates fast. In fact as soon as your adverts have been clicked or displayed, they vanish and you need to keep on pulling out your credit card every time you want more. This is painfully addictive and expensive. We won’t lead you down that path.
Will the course suggest doing anything sleazy like buying fans, followers or likes?
No. It’s all white-hat advice and there’s nothing in there that will make you queasy or uncomfortable. There’s nothing in this course that we haven’t done ourselves. It’s all above board and you’ll be able to sleep at night!
I run an agency, will I learn enough to add social media to my offering?
Yes. You can take what you learn and charge good money for consulting or for implementing this for your clients.
This course looks great, can I please sell it as an affiliate?
Yes, soon. We will open up our affiliate program to approved applicants. The affiliates that we accept will be at our discretion (no cowboys). We also request that anyone who wants to be an affiliate buys the course to experience it first. We believe you can only sell a product if you’ve used it and truly believe in it. Please email adam.franklin[at]bluewiremedia.com.au after the launch if you’re interested.
Is this a separate course to Web Marketing That Works Online Course?
Yes. This is new and separate. The Web Marketing course covers things like website design, landing pages, email marketing, events, speaking and analytics. The Social Media That Works Course is pure social media.
Does this course complement the Web Marketing That Works Online Course?
You bet. If you’ve done that course, this will take your understanding to a new level. But this is also a stand-alone course aimed at teaching you the specifics of social media for business.
Can I buy just 1 or 2 of the workbooks?
No. At this stage, the course comes as all-or-nothing. We may release individual workbooks further down the track, but not now.
Is there an expiry date on the course material?
No you’ve got lifetime access. And you get all future updates too.
Will enrolment to this course close?
Yes. We need to support the students in the program so we only open enrolment at certain times of the year.
What if I get cold feet or feel overwhelmed?
That’s OK. We want to support you, so if you decide within 60 days that you’ve taken on too much, we’ll reimburse your investment, and wait until you are ready. Sound fair?
There is lots of value here, the price seems too cheap?
That’s great that you agree there is plenty of value. It is priced like this for 2 main reasons:
1. We want to reward our early student for taking action.
2. It is a special price and it will go up. It is likely to continue to increase to $997 USD within months. Alternatively it may become a subscription service where you pay an annual recurring fee for access to the course. Honestly we haven’t decided yet, but it will never be listed this low ever again.
I’m a student, can I get a student rate?
Yep. Send an email to adam.franklin[at]bluewiremedia.com.au from your student email address and we’ll send you a special student discount code of 50%.
I’m from a developing nation, and this price is more than I earn in six months, can I request a special rate?
Yes, but it will be at our discretion. Please email adam.franklin[at]bluewiremedia.com.au and we’ll see what we can do. Genuine applications only please.
I’m from a charity or not-for-profit organisation, can I request a special rate?
Yes. Please email adam.franklin[at]bluewiremedia.com.au from your charity or not-for-profit email address and we’ll send you the discount code for 50% off.
I’m not totally sold yet, can I get a few more bonuses to get me across the line?
No, sorry. If you’re not 100 per cent convinced about this offer, please don’t enrol. Save your money and do a different training course with someone else whose material you are totally confident in.
The price is too much, can I get a discount?
No, there is tremendous value packed into this course — much more value than the price tag. If you don’t feel the same, that’s OK, save your money. If you’re not 100 per cent convinced about the value of this course, offering you a discount won’t change the impact the course has on you.
I can’t afford it, can I get a discount?
If this course is unaffordable for you right now, we suggest circling back later when you can. Unfortunately if money is an issue, buying this course is not going to help your financial situation. We have plenty of free templates, free video training, free podcasts and free blog posts on our website, so we recommend focusing on that content for now, and we look forward to working with you later on.
Will you add or update the content?
Whilst there is no set program to release new monthly content or anything, I hope our track record speaks for itself. In the six months since this program was originally released, we’ve added 4 modules of ~30 lessons and restructured the entire course into an online learning centre.
Over the years we have always continually refined the content we teach since social media changes at a fast pace. We intend to keep doing this. As a member of the course you get free access to all new content when it comes out. That said, this is a stand alone course, not a membership site.
Will you add more content on a set, regular basis?
Not officially. It is not a membership site but we will be adding lessons if we discover something worth sharing with you. For the record, we’ve added over 30 lessons since we opened the doors to the course in 2014. Better to judge us by our actions, not our words! When we do make updates, you will certainly be able to access them at no further expense.
Should I buy now to lock in the price, and do it later?
That’s up to you. We strongly encourage you to focus on one course at a time, so that you don’t get overwhelmed and stall. However the price will go up, so you can definitely buy it today and study the course when you are ready. You can be the judge here.
Are there more costs hidden in the course, like sneaky upsells?
No. Everything is delivered in the program, nothing is held back.
However, if you like, you can get access to our other flagship program Web Marketing That Works Online Course at one-time only price as part of this purchase. Or if you want a guided implementation you can choose that option. It depends entirely on how you prefer to learn, but on the social media front, it’s all there laid out for you in the course.
Plus, when we add new content to this course, you’ll get it for free. That said, in the course we do recommend certain products, like apps, software and additional training courses offered by other people. All these products that we mention are optional and there are always free options too. The recommendations that are paid products are all things that we have chosen to purchase ourselves in order to fast track our journey.
For example: We recommend using Screenflow to edit videos (which costs $99) but you could use iMovie for free. We recommend Camera Plus app for $1.29, but you can use PhotoEditor for free.
Example 2: We recommend certain tools like MeetEdgar — a paid service — because it will save you at least 10 hours a month.
How do I buy this course?
When you select which option you’d like to buy, simply click the Get Instant Access button and you’ll be taken the the Order Page. You will be invited to take up a one-time only offer to get our Web Marketing That Works Online Course and our 5 x Guided Implementation Calls with Adam & Toby for a special never to repeated price.
If you order the [MOST POPULAR] option, it will look like this below. (All prices are in US Dollars. Plus if you require an Australian tax receipt you will be issued one).
How do I pay?
You can select your payment preference — either credit card or PayPal. NB. Prices are in US Dollars.
This is what it will look like:
Is PayPal secure?
Yes. PayPal is one of the most trusted payment gateways in the world.
How do I pay with PayPal?
Once you select “check out with PayPal” will be prompted to login to PayPal to pay. It will look like this:
I don’t have PayPal, can I pay with my Visa, Mastercard or American Express?
How do I pay with Visa, Mastercard or American Express?
Select ‘Pay with Credit Card’
and then enter your card details, like you normally would. See below.
Does Bluewire Media ever know my credit card details?
No. Only PayPal and the merchant facility you use knows your credit card details and they are fully encrypted. PayPal processes the transaction and it is totally secure. Bluewire Media never sees or touches your credit card details.
Why do I need to enter my address when I purchase?
This is a PayPal requirement and it’s also needed so we can issue you a receipt.
Why does PayPal sometimes request my phone number?
So they can help if there are any problems with your payment.
How do the refunds work?
You simply email adam.franklin[at]bluewiremedia.com.au and request a refund and your money is reimbursed to your credit card or PayPal account. No hassles.
Which option is right for you?
Social Media That Works Online Course
6 Monthly Payments of $637 USD
(Limited spaces available)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons)
- Certified Social Media Specialist
- Training Vault (9 workbooks, 21 how-to guides and videos)
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course
- 5 x guided implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout
- An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $425 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
Social Media That Works Online Course
6 Monthly Payments of $187 USD
(Prices never this low again)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons)
- Certified Social Media Specialist
- Training Vault (9 workbooks, 21 how-to guides and videos)
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course
- 5 x guided implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout.
- An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $125 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
Social Media That Works Online Course
6 Monthly Payments of $147 USD
(Lowest price guarantee)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons)
- Certified Social Media Specialist
- Training Vault (9 workbooks, 21 how-to guides and videos)
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course
- 5 x guided implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout
- An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $85 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
Our UNBEATABLE “100% Risk-Free” 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
As always, we completely stand behind our products. If you change your mind, don’t like it, or have even the slightest hesitation that you’ve not got massive value within 60 days from your date of purchase, we insist on respectfully refunding your money to your credit card! No guilt, no stress and no worries ;-)
Email us and your money is refunded. We won’t make you feel bad, ask to see your homework or interrogate you about what you implemented. Just make sure it is within 60 days of when you paid for the course.
We trust you. Hang on, people might abuse this guarantee! Why on earth would we do this…?
There are 3 reasons:
Reason 1: Firstly, we want you to achieve your goals and if our course doesn’t deliver, you shouldn’t be out of pocket. However we are totally confident that you’ll love it and find the course very valuable! Our money is where our mouth is.
Reason 2: As for the scallywags who might pinch the course… People who deliberately steal courses by knowing in advance that they’re going to milk the refund, aren’t actually customers at all, so we simply choose to focus on serving people like you who will hopefully be a customer for life.
Reason 3: Finally, if you’ve bitten off more than you can chew right now or you get cold feet, we want to support you. And the best way we can do this is to reimburse your investment, and wait until you are ready. This guarantee is extended for a full 60 days, which completely covers the duration of the program. Try the ENTIRE course. If you don’t love it, just email us at ANY TIME and we’ll fix you up.
Just please don’t ask for a refund after the 60 days is over. To keep it fair to all students we must keep our word and say no if you ask. So let’s both avoid having the awkward and uncomfortable situation of saying no. This includes asking to start the 60 day period at a later date. We must say no. We hope you understand.
Does that sound fair? Ok, that’s our promise to you. So, now hop along and join the rest of the social media marketers who are taking action right now!
Other guarantees
The ‘lifeline’ guarantee:
We want to see you move through this program successfully, because it’s in your best interest and ours. We are here to help. So if you have any questions, get lost, feel overwhelmed or feel like giving up, please let us know directly or via the surveys we’ve placed throughout the course. We’re here as your lifeline, cheer squad or whatever you need!
The ‘Amazon book’ guarantee:
We continually update the material in the course, but if you find a typo, mistake or out of date tactic let us know and we’ll fix it up. We gift a book to 1 student each month who picks up the error and notifies us.
The ‘it’s not too silly’ guarantee:
Even if your question feels stupid, silly or ‘if you’re just a beginner’… please ask!! If you are confused, other students probably are too. And it’s our responsibility to fix it up. We are continually refining the program and we appreciate everything you ask us or tell us.
Now picture yourself in 6 months’ time
In 6 months’ time, you’ll have your time back. Your social media activity will be a source of pride and you personally will be free to be creating your best work -not getting trapped in the minutiae of scheduling updates,
Your Facebook page and LinkedIn profile will all be spick and span, and will speak volumes about you and your business. You’ll be winning new clients, getting job offers and attracting the star recruits in your industry.
Prospects and clients will admire your work, and you’ll be smiling on the inside because you’ve actually been able to do it in less than 5 hours a week. Your support team and automation systems will be making you look great!
Your Instagram, YouTube, Google+ and Pinterest will all be humming and you’ll be earning the attention of clients and employers alike. You’ll wonder how you ever did business without these essential business tools.
- You will be the person that prospects, clients and employers go out of their way to engage and hire.
- You will be the person who is able to command a premium salary, get a raise, charge hefty fees and win lucrative new contracts.
- You will be the person everyone wants to work with, that the press seeks commentary from and gets the best opportunities.
The results you will experience in the next six months depend on the decisions you make today, and the things you decide to implement. It simply comes down to a question, what action you are going to take?
Our final message to you
If you go through this online course and take action, you will see results. We know it works from being students and practitioners of social media. We’ve seen it work with clients and students that we have taught. And we see it every day in the social media trenches.
It really does work. We’re here to teach you how. If you have any questions you feel have been left unanswered, call Adam on +61 424 329 132 and we’ll walk you through the answers. Or email Adam at adam.franklin[at]bluewiremedia.com.au. We look forward to welcoming you inside the course.
PS. Still thinking about it?
It’s proven that most people actually read these PS’s so if you’ve scrolled down this far and are truly considering putting your well laid plan into action, we urge you to do it. Please text Adam on +61 424 329 132 if you have any pressing questions.
PPS. If you’ve read this far…
Thank you for making it to the end. You’ve heard everything from us, and by now you should have a good idea whether this course is right for you. So really, it’s decision time ;) Whatever decision you make, we’re sure it will be the right decision for you right now. We hope to see you in the course soon.
PPPS. Here’s a final recap
Social Media That Works Online Course
6 Monthly Payments of $637 USD
(Limited spaces available)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons)
- Certified Social Media Specialist
- Training Vault (9 workbooks, 21 how-to guides and videos)
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course
- 5 x guided implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout
- An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $425 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
Social Media That Works Online Course
6 Monthly Payments of $187 USD
(Prices never this low again)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons)
- Certified Social Media Specialist
- Training Vault (9 workbooks, 21 how-to guides and videos)
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course
- 5 x guided implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout.
- An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $125 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam
Social Media That Works Online Course
6 Monthly Payments of $147 USD
(Lowest price guarantee)
- Lifetime access to the full Social Media That Works Online Course (4 modules, 28+ lessons)
- Certified Social Media Specialist
- Training Vault (9 workbooks, 21 how-to guides and videos)
- Access to the exclusive private Facebook group
- Lifetime access to the full Web Marketing That Works Online Course
- 5 x guided implementation calls with Adam or Toby via group Google Hangout
- An invitation to an exclusive mastermind session in Sydney
- Pay with Credit Card or PayPal
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Instant Online Access
Save $85 USD — Pay In Full
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please call, text or email us.
We’re happy to help.
Email Adam