Welcome to the first lesson in our free “Tools of the Trade” mini-course.
Over the next few weeks, you going to discover all the tools that we recommend you use.
Most are free, and some require a modest investment. They are the exact tools we use for our own web marketing and once you’ve got them set up, you’ll really be ready to rock and roll.
Let’s kick things off.
You know what makes Toby and me happy? Seeing you succeed.
That’s why we’re starting off with the easiest and most valuable free tools that help us!
It’s called SumoMe and it’s a suite of free apps to help you get more email subscribers. We’ve added over 6,515 email subscribers using SumoMe. And amazingly it is free.
It includes free apps like:
- List Builder to increase your daily email sign-ups by up to 20% — this non-annoying exit popup is my personal fave!
- Scroll box – politely grow your email list once people have scrolled to the bottom of your page.
- Smart Bar – remind visitors to take action when they are on your site.
- Welcome Mat to create an email opt-in that is overlaid on your home page
- and much much more.
Here are three reasons why it’s a no-brainer to use SumoMe:
- It’s 100% free to get started.
- SumoMe works on all sites. Doesn’t matter if your site is WordPress or HTML or anything else.
- It takes 37 seconds to install, seriously.
We use SumoMe on our Bluewire Media site and love it. What are you waiting for?
Click here to install all the SumoMe products in less than a minute >>
(or forward this to your developer and ask them nicely if they can hook it up for you).
Adam Franklin
Co-founder of Bluewire Media
Co-author of Web Marketing That Works
P.S. Need help installing SumoMe? Check out their easy installation FAQ.
PPS. Did you like this lesson and want to get right into the next one? Skip ahead to Lesson 2 here.