Welcome to Lesson #3 in the free “Tools Of The Trade” mini-course.
Email still remains the undisputed king of web marketing. We all have email, we all use it for business and it continues to be the best tool for driving action — like sales and enquiries!
And to do it properly you need a professional email system.
Here are the tools I recommend (.. but you just need one. It depends where you’re at!)
Mail Chimp: If you are starting from scratch, this is perfect because it is free for your first 2,000 contacts. It is also a very robust system and when you upgrade you can do autoresponders and much more. Free up to 2,000 contacts and 12,000 emails per month.
Campaign Monitor: We used this platform for many years and it is powerful, beautiful and affordable. You can do autoresponders, A/B testing and you get unrivalled reporting. Plus a very friendly support team will help you every step of the way. From $9 per month.
Infusionsoft: For the record this is what we now use but unless you have sophisticated email sequences and 10,000+ subscribers, I wouldn’t worry about using “Confusionsoft” just yet. It is powerful but very complex and quite expensive. We use a specialist team of consultants to help us implement it. If you feel you’re ready to use it, please hit reply and I can introduce you to who we use. From $199 per month, plus consultants fees.
At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter which system you use. Vision6, AWeber, Constant Contact, GetDrip, ConvertKit and Ontraport are all safe bets too It’s more important to choose one and get started.
Task 1: Pick the one that sounds best for you and go ahead and get that set up.
Task 2: Please send your first email to your list of subscribers.
In the comments, let me know how you get on and I’ll see you for the next lesson!
Adam Franklin
Co-founder of Bluewire Media
Co-author of Web Marketing That Works
To recap, here are the lessons, in the mini-course so far:
Lesson #1: Free tools to grow your email subscribers
Lesson #2: Free monitoring tools