Welcome to Lesson #6 of the free “Tools Of The Trade” mini-course.
If you’ve got a WordPress website (and that is exactly what we recommend you have), then let’s get you sorted with all the WordPress goodies. You’ll wonder how you lived without them!
WPCurve (Updates)
Get unlimited WordPress updates and never have a WordPress headache again. An update is considered something that takes 30 minutes of less.
WPCurve starts from $99 per month.
We love this service from Dan Norris and his team. It’s much more cost effective than and you’ve responsive team, so you’re no longer at the mercy of your web developer who may be busy working on another project, sleeping, on vacation or simply not responding for any number of other reasons.
WPCurve solves this problem, and you get peace of mind. Check out WPCurve >>
WPEngine (Hosting)
Specialist WordPress hosting that is reliable and makes your site faster. Plus they back up website and keep your plugins up to date. A faster website means better usability, higher conversions and better Google rankings!
We run our Bluewire website on WPEngine.
Just want to read about it first?
Read Love At First Site by Jon Hollenberg.
- Love At First Site on Kindle $3.99
- Love At First Site hardcopy $29.99 ( + shipping)
- Love At First Site audiobook + bonuses FREE
Not got your WordPress website sorted yet?
But you’re ready to go? No problems. I have 2 options that can help.
Are you on a budget?
The best place to start if you are on a budget or a DIY-type is to follow Michael Hyatt’s free training on How to Launch a Self-Hosted WordPress Site in 20 Minutes or Less (a step by step guide).
WOuld you prefer a pro to help?
If you’re in the market for a professional and beautifully designed WordPress website, fill out the application form and Jon Hollenberg’s team at Five by Five will help you out. Prices start from $6,000.
Adam Franklin
Co-founder of Bluewire Media
Co-author of Web Marketing That Works
To recap, here are the lessons, in the mini-course so far:
Lesson #1: Free tools to grow your email subscribers
Lesson #2: Free monitoring tools
Lesson #3: Email marketing platforms
Lesson #4: Landing page tools – LeadPages
Lesson #5: How to grow your email list