Watch my short 1:35 min video on LinkedIn.
Upcoming events:
LINKEDIN TRAINING: Toby and I have decided we’ll run some more training on LinkedIn in the coming weeks and months. Stay tuned for a free webinar, an online course, workbooks, script templates and a one day accelerator before the end of 2018.
TODAY: I’m flying to DARWIN for my 2 day workshop. I’m partnering with OBM (October Business Month) and Slim Digital to host a 2 Day Digital Marketing Doing Workshop in the beautiful Northern Territory.
In podcasts:
- Monetising Knowledge with Mel Telecican – Ep 36. High-trust business marketing with Adam Franklin… In this episode:
“Adam shares his company’s marketing strategy
- How their company evolved from being a digital marketing agency to becoming an education-based company specialising in high-trust, relationship-based businesses
- The 3 pillars they use for clients and how it helps bring in high ticket sales
- The importance of knowing where to post your content to engage and reach your clients
- The types of content and formats you need to use in your posts to attract clients
- Identify and learn how to distribute and package your assets
- How to effectively use the primary business tool that allows you to interact with clients”
Take care and chat soon.
Bluewire Media
PS. Tobes and I are putting together a new case study group at Bluewire. Last month’s 5 places sold out, so now is your chance to be part of the next group. If you’d like to work with us to help grow your high-trust, relationship-based business, just reply to this email with “Case Study” in the subject line, or visit this page to see if you’re a good fit and book in a chat.