Feel free to submit your request once you taken a look at our Guest Blogging Guidelines.
Guest Blogger ESSENTIALS
If you’ve got ideas to share, experiences to talk about or valuable insights, then hopefully we can work together and post them on Bluewire Media’s blog. It’s one of Australia’s Top 20 Business Blogs and we love accepting articles that are readers will find useful and interesting!
Submit as a Google Doc
Once given approval to send a blog post through for consideration, please supply as a Google Doc. Send the link and also share us on the document. Word documents take too long to manipulate and edit, so won’t be accepted. Thanks!
2-3 companion images (royalty-free images)
Please supply 2-3 appropriate images to accompany the article. The images must be royalty-free with an attribution link or preferably your own images.
The images must be embedded in the Google Doc so we know where you want them placed.
Headshot, Bio & LinkedIn URL
Please supply an author headshot, bio (~100-150 words) and LinkedIn URL.
Please share
- Full name
- Company
- Website/blog
- Company email address (no gmail accounts!)
Please also
- Personalise your request
- Be patient
- Be human!
That’s the essentials..
Please enquire, but no guarantees.
When we agree to receive your guest post, we’ll review it but it doesn’t guarantee we’ll publish it. We will endeavour to provide feedback where possible, but we’ll reject and ignore posts if they are spammy, self promotional or off topic. Same goes if they are too techie, too jargony or too boring. Please understand that we usually won’t have time to explain why.
Our Bluewire audience
You’ll be writing for an engaged 40,000+ strong audience that is very keen to learn about web strategy, social media and everything to do with web marketing. Readers are typically in professional services, consulting, marketing, communications and management roles and are tech savvy but usually not ‘techies’.
They are looking for insights, how-tos and interesting posts to further their knowledge and to enable them to implement ideas from the blog. Thanks for taking the time to tailor your articles to our audience.
Follow links
Follow links are fine, but we hate spam! You’ll definitely get your follow backlink in the author bio, so please don’t spam out your content with links.
Guest Blogger Process
Ok, so if we’re all cool so far, here’s what needs to happen.
- Read our Web Strategy blog to see if it aligns with your subject matter expertise.
- Familiarise yourself with these guidelines, expectations, rules of thumb and below suggestions.
- Email our CEO [email protected] with a subject like: “Guest Blog Post Request – Your details (attn Adam)”
- IMPORTANT: Send us a few topic ideas *before* drafting anything.
- Follow up – spam filters, email overload, or human error may mean we miss your email, so please follow up if you don’t hear back from us.
- Then, congratulations, you’ll hopefully join our growing team of guest contributors.
- Guest contributor badge
When you’re successful, you’ll be able to place the Bluewire Contributor badge to your website or blog, and link it to your guest posts.
Guest Blogger Expectations
Guest blogging is most successful when the blogger submits a piece that is well written, from the heart and valuable to the reader. As such we request that adhere to the following expectations and take our suggestions on board.
Submit original and useful content
Please send us an article written by you and that hasn’t been published before. You must also provide appropriate attribution for any content in your post that is not yours eg images.
You can republish after 1 week
Please only republish the article at least one week after it goes live on Bluewire Media’s blog (and attribute the original source with a back link).
Actively engage in comments
The best articles involve the readers in a discussion in the comments, so please interact with our readers and your article will get better results. The tweet buttons also make it easy to see who is sharing your article, in case you’d like to thank or connect with them.
Share the article
Tweet, like, share and email the article to your social networks. We will do the same to our 6,000 email subscribers and social networks.
Proofread, spell check and format it
- please take the time to make sure your submission has been proofread (by someone other than you),
- that it has been spell checked, and that it’s in UK English (not US English), and
- that is formatted into paragraphs, uses headings and subheadings.
We will double check the grammar, spelling and formatting but if it is sloppy we are unlikely to publish it.
We reserve the right to request edits
You’ll be notified if there’s something we don’t feel comfortable publishing, and you’ll be given the opportunity to make changes. If you decide it will dramatically alter the article, you can opt to withdraw it.
Guest bloggers aren’t paid, nor do we accept payment for posts.
All guest blog posts will be unpaid. And we don’t accept payments for placing your article. No money changes hands.
Backlinks and Exposure, Visibility
You will get visibility with our 40k+ strong online community across our web traffic, email subscribers and social networks. Plus you’ll get at least one follow backlink.
You agree it may be used in an e-book
The best articles on our blog are sometimes compiled into an e-book. If this is the case with your article, you will be attributed as the author and it will simply mean more exposure.
Keep everything above board. Disclose affiliate links and acknowledge if you are mentioning people or companies you have a commercial relationship with.
And of course, nothing black hat
- No keyword stuffing
- No spammy links
- No plagiarism
- No taking credit for other people’s work!
Guest Blogger Rules of thumb
Write “you copy” not “me copy”
Good writing is about the reader and what’s in it for them. Therefore, where possible, write article in terms of what is useful and interesting to the reader. For example; BAD: “I’ll be writing about how to design a Facebook page” GOOD: “You’ll learn how to design Facebook page” If in doubt, count the number of times you use “You, yours” and compare it to the times you use “Me, I, mine, we, us”. Yous should outnumber Mes.
Aim for 1000-1500 words
There is no hard and fast rule, but the best guest posts on Bluewire’s blog have been around the 1000-1500 word mark.
Spend time on a great title
The best bloggers spend as much time on their titles as they do on the article. You’re urged to do the same. If you need a hand, an excellent, free guide is Brian Clark‘s (aka CopyBlogger’s) How to Write Magnetic Headlines article.
Provide next steps
If your article is popular, it is likely that readers will want to connect with you or take the next steps. Please make it easy for readers to take those next steps by providing your website, Twitter, email or preferred contact method.
Suggestions for Guest Bloggers
Lists work well
One of the most viral guest blog posts Adam Franklin has written was titled How to create your social media strategy in seven steps.
Photos and videos are very effective
Please be encouraged to include your own photos, source images (with attribution, of course), and embed YouTube or Vimeo videos.
‘How to’ articles are popular
If you’ve got practical experience and are happy to share it with our readers, then specific, detailed, step by step, ‘how to’ articles are incredibly useful. Here are some guest post examples:
- Are you burning money on Google Adwords? Find out now in 3 steps
- How to build your personal brand in 8 specific steps
- Your Ultimate Blog Checklist
Over to you!
We look forward to publishing your article.
Adam Franklin
CEO Bluewire Media