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In my last email, a few readers asked why I wanted you to click a link to confirm that: ~DoubleOptInLink~
A few peeps thought I might’ve been hacked and it was spam – yikes!
That’s not the case at all, thankfully.
The reason I asked is because:
1. I want to make sure I reach your preferred email address.
2. By confirming your email, you are telling me (and my system) that you definitely want to receive the Bluewire News.
Now you know the reasons why, could you please click the link to confirm that: ~DoubleOptInLink~
Thanks so much.
Adam Franklin
Bluewire Media
Author of Web Marketing That Works
PS. Join my Coaching Program and become a case study. I’m putting together a new case study group at Bluewire. If you’d like to work with me to help grow your high-trust, relationship-based business, just reply to this message with “Case Study” in the subject line and I’ll tell you more.