Hi ~Contact.FirstName~
When I talk with customers, Bluewire News subscribers and audience members about their business and digital marketing, most say they’d love more inbound leads and opportunities. They want to “attract” the right clients, not be reliant upon “chasing them down” all the time.
The good thing about having an attraction business is that your prospects find you (via Google, social media or word of mouth) and they can get to know, like and trust you on their own terms. If they are hot to buy, great, but if not, they can be nurtured and educated until the time is right!
Making the transformation to an attraction business (from a chasing business) is easier than you may think. We’ve already covered how to identify your ideal buyer and how to uncover and release a valuable “lead magnet” to attract more of them.
These first two things form the foundation of your attraction business. It uses digital marketing to help you achieve your business goals. Everything else you do after this is designed to amplify and enhance your web marketing system.
Let’s look at the 8 step blueprint to becoming an attraction business using digital marketing.
1. Web strategy: document your strategy on one page and then get going implementing!
2. Website: set up a WordPress site, a landing page, your blog and you’re away.
3. Email marketing: create an email autoresponder sequence (aka marketing funnel) and send a regular newsletter.
4. Search engine optimisation: do some basic keyword research and optimise your ‘money pages’ to ensure you show up on Google searches.
5. Social Media 101: get your plan of attack sorted ie. your strategy, guidelines and response plan for negative comments on social media.
6. Social Media 201: get involved on some platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest.
7. Broadcast media: increase the stakes and share your message via YouTube, podcasts, webinars, live events and speaking.
8. Getting help: use pro tools, like software, and virtual assistants (VAs) and agencies to help when it comes to implementing your marketing system.
I’ve released a Blueprint PDF and training video that explains everything in more detail.