Subj: making your first 10k in an online biz [live training]
2016 is well and truly underway!
What are you up to…?
On our end, we’re running a live event for the first time in 2 years and we’re testing out a membership site very soon — thanks to the virtual rev-up from Dan Norris’ via his 7 Day Challenge and from the truth speaking Ramit Sethi.
We’ve been students of Ramit’s for a few years now and we love his material.
His honesty is often confronting, he’s usually pretty brash… yet he’s always looking out for his students and encouraging his readers with his unique brand of support.
(Btw, if you don’t care for Ramit or his online business chat, please click here and I won’t email you about him again.)
However if you’re ready to make it happen in 2016, then get stuck into these goodies!
Here goes:
RESOURCE #1: (one of the most popular PDFs)
“Features Vs. Benefits: 28 Examples of Things People Actually Pay for.”
(free e-book: opt-in required)
RESOURCE #2: (a top performer)
30 Successful Online Business Ideas (PDF)
(free e-book: opt-in required)
RESOURCE #3: (a must watch, short video)
Watch Ramit’s How to launch and automate your online business
(opt-in required)
RESOURCE #4: (free course)
Register for the free course: Launch Your Profitable Online Business
(opt-in required)
Ok, that’s a lot, I know. However if you set aside a few hours, you will be streets ahead of most other people. Ramit’s free training is better than most paid courses you will find…
And his paid training is exceptional.
All this free training is a build up to him opening the doors to his Zero To Launch program next week.
Toby signed up to the program on Australia Day last year and it’s fantastic. We went ahead and implemented what Ramit taught us and we made our investment back many times over.
We are also proud partners with Ramit’s team, which means if you do decide to enrol in his program via our links, we will earn a commission. Also because we’re an official partner we’re going to add in a few special bonuses for you if you do join. More on that later.
Have a lovely and productive 2016,
Adam Franklin
Co-founder of Bluewire Media
Co-author of Web Marketing That Works