Hi ~Contact.FirstName~
How are you?
Short version: Download my favourite (free) marketing tool Listbuilder.
Use it to grow your email list and share your flagship content.
Full version: As Toby alluded in the last edition the Bluewire News, we’ve been looking at ways to best serve you — our readers, students and clients. And in turn, how we can set up our business to facilitate this most simply (hence the surveys and the questions from us lately). We’re in the process of restructuring a few things!
Part of the challenge is that after a decade of publishing content online, we’ve ended up with thousands of blog posts, hundreds of podcast and dozens of templates. This can be a little overwhelming and intimidating for a first timer looking to get started. It’s also a bit tricky to guide people on a straight forward journey.
We’ve got our free content (scattered all over the web), plus our educational marketing funnel once people subscribe, our $25 book (which we cannot update since it’s a printed book) and our $1k online courses. We’ve occasionally splintered out modules from our course and offered them separately, but one module naturally doesn’t offer the complete picture. Nor is it necessarily on the topic that you need help with right now.
So rather than focus on creating MORE content, we’re looking at making it more accessible, more approachable and more logical. Not only that we want to make it more affordable. Based on phone conversations, email exchanges and surveys, many readers aren’t in a position to stump up a thousand dollars to join our online program but they are still keen to step-up their digital marketing and are happy to pay. We’re setting up a fair and new way to make that happen. More on that soon!
We certainly want to make it easier for people looking to take action and get traction with their digital marketing, and we pride ourselves on offering so much of our training for free so anyone can benefit. Part of that is sharing more of the tools that we use, so let’s start there for now.
One such product that we love and is a breeze to use, is Listbuilder by Sumo (formerly known as SumoMe). Regular readers will know I’ve been a strong advocate for installing the free Listbuider plugin on your website.
Listbuilder is a friendly, non-annoying exit pop-up that can be installed on your website in under a minute. It is a powerful tool that lets you share your flagship content (aka lead magnets) and grow your list of email subscribers too.
Yes, you can download other free tools, and even upgrade to the premium version. That’s what we did but only after using the the free version to collect thousands of email subscribers and sharing our templates with people all over the world.
Go ahead and install Listbuilder for free.