The Prize
The Bluewire Media Prize for Web Strategy aims to recognise talented aspiring web professionals currently studying across any Creative Industries discipline at QUT. The winner or winning team also collects $500.
The Challenge
Start a team or go it alone to deliver a web project that solves a certain problem, demonstrating that you publish remarkable content, utilise social media, implement intuitive usability, encourage user participation and are building a web community. It could be a website, blog, mobile site, app or social media profile.
The Criteria
Web Strategy: To win the prize you’re encouraged to explain your web strategy & how you set out to achieve your objectives.
Usability: Explain how you’ve made your entry user friendly.
Visual Design: Explain the thought processes behind your choices in the visual design of your entry.
Functionality: Explain what users can do & how the functionality helps the user.
Content: Explain who the content is created for and how you’ve decided to deliver it.
Results: What real results can you show.
The Deadline
Entries for the 2013 QUT Web Strategy Prize must be received by 5:00pm Tuesday, 12 November 2013.
Past Winners
Some past prize winners have scored graduate positions at Bluewire Media, based on the quality of their submissions. Here is a list of all the winners.
Vanessa Grixti, winner 2012
Talia Yat, winner 2011
The Bluewire Media Prize is a great opportunity for students and encourages those that are really passionate about web design and development to enter and enhance their skills. Winning the prize for me has been a great achievement and really encouraged me to pursue a career in graphic and web design.
Tyler Alberti, winner 2010
It’s because of Bluewire’s support for our exhibition that drove my efforts and focus towards web design for my final year of study. Receiving this award is a huge honour and a welcomed recognition of my hard work and effort during my final year at QUT
Shelley Roach, winner 2009
As a student, winning the Bluewire Media web strategy prize is a great addition to my resume. It shows that I can demonstrate good web design skills, judged from an industry perspective. When looking for a job after graduation, I think the prize will definitely give me a positive edge over other applicants
Dane Tennant, Bashkim Isai & Georgia Thompson, winners 2008
Matt Luscombe, winner 2007, Bluewire Media Web Developer
The prize is a great way to get yourself recognised as a web professional. You may even get a job – or be compelled to start a business – from it!
About Us
The team at Bluewire get to focus on doing what they love, achieving personal goals and working with a talented and lovely team. Read more about joining the Bluewire team and check the Culture and Glowers e-book. Read tips and find out more about us at our blog, join the Facebook group or follow us on Twitter!