How Will Blunt’s blog post went viral [Bluewire News]
You may have seen our blog post that went viral last week. Your Ultimate Blog Checklist by Will Blunt has been our most popular blog post to date with 1200+ social media shares. It’s a stellar effort from Will for his first guest post and he’s kindly written a follow-up article detailing how it all unfolded.
How my blog post got 1052 social shares in 3 days outlines his approach and documents how you can follow the same process. Part of its success was getting picked up as a suggested article on Buffer’s new Daily app for iOS. (By the way this is a brilliant app for finding and sharing content easily! If you like Buffer, you’ll love Daily – a free download.)
Click to tweet Your Ultimate Blog Checklist >>
Click to tweet How my blog post got 1052 social shares in 3 days >>
And follow @WillBluntAU on Twitter for more of his gems.
On the podcast… please have a listen to episode 39 on the power of email autoresponders.
Upcoming webinars, events and training…
Our friend Tom Poland is offering a free business webinar (nothing for sale, just value-add) on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 at 9:30 AM. It’s called Command and Control: a revolutionary new method for stimulating revenue. Please register here >>
Chris Brogan has a huge profile online and his blog, books and emails have served as a guiding light for us here at Bluewire Media. We’ve learnt so much from Chris and he is currently offering his flagship courses at half price, so we thought you should know. We recommend his Digital Business Mastery course for $97.
We attended Donna Moritz‘s visual content webinar today too and it was amazing. Check out Donna’s free Create Traffic Driving Images video training and you’ll also get notified of her encore webinar on next Tuesday. One cool thing we’ve learned from Donna is to post infographics to Slideshare (by uploading them as a PDF) which we’ve just done with our LinkedIn 5 Minute Marketing infographic — feel free to embed it on your blog.
Attention Brisbane business owners: The Key Person Of Influence event is on Sept 5th. It’s well worth attending and tickets are great value, starting at $39.
Finally congrats to Sophie Smith from Place Estate Agents who wins a copy of our book Web Marketing That Works for entering our recent give-away contest.
Thank you and see you next time.
This is from the regular Bluewire News
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