LinkedIn Marketing Strategy Infographic
LinkedIn Marketing Strategy Infographic
Growing your LinkedIn Networks to produce qualified leads with this 5 Minute Daily Plan – LinkedIn Marketing Strategy Infographic for users beginner, intermediate and advanced.
With these simple to follow steps and only 5 minutes a day you will soon be receiving more connection requests, more engagement and have more people viewing your social media profile.
by Bluewire Media.
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2019 update:
Follow this simple 10 minute daily plan to develop and nurture professional relationships on LinkedIn.
1 minute: Scan and accept connection requests
Definitely accept requests from people you know personally.
Then consider, “should I accept my other connection requests from strangers?” There are two things to consider.
Firstly, the more connections you have, the more people will see your content, which is great. However secondly if you connect with complete strangers it’s not really an accurate representation of your network. Tricky.
We suggest accepting connections from people who write you a personalised message, who fit your target market or who are industry colleagues. We adopt the ethos that every friend and business contact was a stranger once!
1 minute: Connect with someone new
LinkedIn will continually prompt you to connect with people you may know. Aim to connect with at least one person per day, and expand your network.
Pro Tip: Write a personalised note explaining why you are interested in connecting.
3 minutes: Contribute: publish, comment or share
You can publish your own content on LinkedIn – it’s not just for Influencers anymore! You can write an article, or upload an image or video and publish it as a post on LinkedIn for your connections to see. The more useful content you share, the more you will stay top of mind.
If you don’t have any content ready to post, you can simply like, comment on or share someone’s else post to stay top of mind with people in your network.
1 minute: Congratulate someone in your network
Congratulate someone on a new role, a work milestone or wish them happy birthday. LinkedIn gives you easy ‘ways to keep in touch’.
4 minutes: Call or email someone and organise a catch up
The secret of social media is to get off social media as soon as possible and onto a phone call or into a meeting.
LinkedIn is a great tool but you can’t always land that deal without meeting in person or at least a phone conversation. A great conversation starter is “…what project are you working on at the moment?”
Always think of ways you can help, and actually ask “how can I help?”
Pro Tip: Heading away for work? It could be the perfect opportunity to catch up with someone from your network who lives in another city.
Content Marketing Sales Funnel
Your content marketing sales funnel is all about getting people to know, like and trust you by nurturing them with the right information at the right time.