Google Analytics
I would like to make a confession… scares me [please don’t tell anyone here in the office]. We live in a time where we are surrounded by gadgets, social media, an overload of information and yet I am one of those people who like simple, easy to use things. Don’t get me wrong I think a lot of new gadgets and technologies are cool… just don’t ask me to use or explain them.
So, late last year when I was asked to prepare a presentation about Google Analytics I had my own little nervous breakdown. I had no idea what it was let alone how to use it. Ahhhhh!
As it turns out once I started exploring, it wasn’t as scary as first appearances suggested. And in true Google style, simple explanations of reports and terms were only a click away [and not the really convoluted explanations but simple easy to understand explanations.
So what is Google Analytics?
I am currently working on a white paper as an introduction to Google Analytics. Not for experienced users but for those people like me who become nervous and frustrated when doing something new on the internet. Watch this space.