What Google Really Wants To See [SEO Tips Video]
What Google really wants
This is a guest video from Reload Media’s Brendan Lidster.
Here is the full transcript of the video:
Hi everyone. I’m here today to talk to you about Reload’s Philosophy on SEO.
Now, with over 200 ranking signals, it’s very easy to get caught up in the number of links pointing to a site or the number of times your keyword is on a page, or the number of keywords you can get stuffed into a title tag. But here’s what Google really wants.
But I really want to reveal something different to you – and that is, what Google really wants… is what people want.
Because what Google wants is people to use it and ensure they provide a positive user experience.
Providing a keyword stuffed page that has the most repeated keywords is not an optimal user experience. So I’d like to talk to you about another way of addressing it which is focusing not on the symptoms, which are these guys, but on the cause.
The first point I’d like to make is a really good approach to judging and going about your SEO strategy, which is taking the approach of asking not what the internet can do for you, but asking what you can do for the internet.
Part 1
The first key step is knowing your audience, so that’s about figuring out exactly who will be using your website and who will be buying your products.
The internet is there as a commerce platform, but the other things it primarily does is it entertains and informs. Being in the places that those users are when they’re wanting to be entertained and informed. It allows you to reach a bigger audience than you otherwise would have been able to if you had just focused on selling your product.
Part 2
The second part, once you do know your audience, is making an effort to give your audience what they want, and that is 10x content. That’s content that is 10 times better than anything else that’s out there!
Creating blog articles, that have the most number of keywords in them and posting them around the internet is what SEO used to be about. However these days will not provide you the results that it once did.
Instead, you need to provide engaging content in a format that people will use and that sits right with your audience.
The next thing is – don’t forget the basics!
Even though I’ve just told you now to focus on these big picture things, it’s very important not to forget things like the number of links and the core basics of ensuring your website is readable.
And the last thing I’d like to tell you about is focusing on building a brand.
Google has made it very clear that being a brand is a key thing too. You can’t cheat your way to the top of a search engine result anymore by just having the right number of links and number of titles. You’ve got to focus on all these things to achieve your SEO results.
Thanks very much for listening to Reload’s Philosophy on SEO. If you do have any questions, always feel free to reach out to us.
About Brendan Lister
Brendan Lidster is responsible for providing strategic guidance and support to Reload Media’s SEO and Content teams to ensure the best long term tactics are utilised to increase client rankings, traffic, leads and sales.
Brendan has a highly skilled background in paid advertising, email marketing and social media through running his own small business prior to joining Reload. His passion for all things digital and their applications to marketing and real business outcomes makes him a valuable asset to the company.
Brendan enjoys sharing his knowledge and learning more about digital platforms with clients and other enthusiasts. He has spoken on the Networx Panel and regularly attends other industry events, keeping his finger on the pulse of the fast-moving digital industry.
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