Social Media TV #3 – from LA – Pinterest, Oz Stats, Celebrity chef
Hi it’s Adam Frankin and welcome to the third episode of Social Media TV coming to you from Los Angeles.
We’ll be looking at the standout events in social media this week. We’ll be looking at the huge rise in Pinterest. We’ll be looking at the social media usage stats in Australia and we’ll be looking at an awesome case study of a German celebrity chef!
Now firstly Pinterest in huge right now. They’re getting 4 million hits per day and the reports are showing that people are much more likely to buy a product if they’ve found it on Pinterest first. They’re actually 10 per cent more likely to buy it and likely to spend 10 per cent more if they found the product on Pinterest. So if you’ve got a product to sell, certainly take a look at this social media platform!
Australian Usage stats
Secondly, the social media usage stats are out for this month.
And the Top 5.
1. Facebook with ~11 million active users
2. You Tube with ~11 million active users
3. Blogpost with ~4 million users
4. LinkedIn with ~2.1 million users
5. Twitter with ~1.8 million active users
The big movers up the list this month, are Pinterest which is up to 10th position with 470,000 active users and Instagram was up to position 12 with ~250,000 users.
Celebrity Chef Johann Lafer case study
Now thirdly, when I was in Korea last week to speak at the Worlds Chef Congress I met a lovely gentleman called Johann Lafer who is a celebrity chef in Germany who is using social media really effectively.
And it was really interesting hearing him about YouTube, Facebook, his blog and his website because he said having that whole machine working together is so much more effective than just having one tool operating on its own.
And he’s got 13,000 Twitter followers [correction: 13,00 Facebook fans] and everything’s tying together and it’s working really successfully for him because he does over 250 TV shows a year, along with Jamie Oliver he’s got one of the most downloaded chef apps in the country [correction: in Europe]. And he’s got a whole series of cook books that he is promoting through the social media channels. So really interesting to hear him explain the whole social media and web strategy working together is so effective for him.
That’s a wrap for social media TV this week. I’m Adam Franklin and on Twitter I’m @Franklin_Adam. If you’ve got a boss or a marketing manager you’d like to share this with, please feel free to do so and I’ll see you next week.
Thank you!