Top 10 podcast guest quotes
Our Web Marketing That Works podcast has just ticked over the 50 episode mark as well reached 20,000 downloads.
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Top 10 guest leaderboard (and their tweetable highlights):
1. Ep 029: Verne Harnish – Gazelles Inc, Entrepreneurs Organisation, ACE, Birthing of Giants MIT (1,005 downloads)
“When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”
(tweet this)
2. Ep 037: KPI’s Glen Carlson on partnerships to reach $1m profit (508 downloads).
“The a-ha moment was realising that income follows assets.”
3. Ep 006: Glenn Murray on selling an e-book every 5 seconds (460 downloads)
“Get the best designer you can afford and get a brilliant website.” (tweet this)
4. Ep 018: Tristan White on culture and marketing to staff (436 downloads)
“Be transparent and give away as much as you possibly can.” (tweet this)
5. Ep 032: Mike O’Hagan – MiniMovers marketing and Philippines outsourcing (425 downloads)
“Test, measure and duplicate.”
6. Ep 020: Danny Iny on building trust and an audience (414 downloads)
“The key to effective web marketing is to earn people’s trust before you need it.”(tweet this)

7. Ep 010: Eric Keiles on inbound marketing’s secret sauce (413 downloads)
“The secret sauce to inbound marketing is traditional outreach.” (tweet this)
8. Ep 008: LinkedIn Influencer Ron Baker on giving his IP away (412 downloads)
“If I give away my IP I have to replenish it. It keeps me at the constant edge.” (tweet this)

9. Ep 049: Liz Wiseman – Why rookie smarts trump experience (407 downloads)
“It’s not what you know, it’s how fast you can learn.” (tweet this)
10. Ep 031: Jeff Bullas – Super blogger doing social at scale – (401 downloads)
“If you want to be a leader you need to create.” (tweet this)
Listen to the show
Some other great guests include David Meerman Scott, Timbo Reid, Jim Stewart, Keith Ferrazzi and many more.
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