Weekly round-up
- Dropbox startup lessons learned — SwissMiss
- Mobile web design: is it worth it? — Six Revisions
- Root domains, subdomains vs. subfolders and the microsite debate — SEOmoz
- Classification schemes (and when to use them) — UX Booth
- 10 new UX books to look out for in 2010 — UX Booth
- Wireframes as a thinking device — Konigi
- Thoughts on Flash — Apple.com
Why you should get your mum an iPad this Mother’s Day
Bonus: Download the 33 free templates from Web Marketing That Works by Adam Franklin & Toby Jenkins
engadget shows us how to combine an iPad with two iPhones for a high-tech game of Scrabble! Mums and grandmas everywhere are sure to approve!
Content Marketing Sales Funnel
Your content marketing sales funnel is all about getting people to know, like and trust you by nurturing them with the right information at the right time.