Are You Solving Your Customers’ Problems?
I’m currently reading Reality Marketing Revolution! by Mike Lieberman & Eric Keiles.
Reality Marketing is based on adding an extra step to the marketing cycle – Lieberman & Keiles argue that going straight from an ad to a sale just isn’t realistic anymore. Instead, it takes more to take the cake: Mix advertising, public relations & referrals, add a free resource, and then go for the sale.
Customers want more bang for their buck than ever before, and the Reality Marketing crew say that you won’t be in for a chance until you stop talking about yourself & start focusing on the needs & wants of your customer.
Self focussed marketing strategies, (think “we’ve been in business for 75 years” or “we’re family owned & operated”) don’t address the customer’s needs. And whilst you may feel sentimental about your own family operated business, chances are customers won’t.
Instead they care about themselves. What makes their lives easier.
What to do?
First, you need to get to know your customers. Find out what their problems are & work out how to fix them. Then rethink & rewrite.
Take your sales copy – whether it be on your website or in a flyer or newsletter, & circle all the times you talk about your own business in red. Words like “we”, “us” and even your company name. Then, circle every time you refer to the customer in blue.
If your marketing material is dominated by red circles you know you’re not solving the customers’ problems. More blue circles on the other hand, means that you’re talking to your customers, you understand their problems & you know exactly how to fix them.
Sounds better, right?
Copywriting Brisbane: If you would like effective sales copy for your website, blog or e-newsletter get in touch with Bluewire Media on 1300 258 394.