Connecting with Customers in the Social Web
I recently came across a terrific example of social media usage in business from a Slideshare presentation by Jonathan Crossfield of the Australian web hosting and domain company, NetRegistry.
One case study particularly stood out which involved an interaction @NetRegistry had had with a fellow Twitter user.
How would you rate this example as a first impression for a business engaging a potential client?
Notice how NetRegistry were able to intercept this conversation and direct the user to the relevant product page in a clear and professional manner.
It is now becoming more common for brands to develop social media strategies to monitor and engage discussions about their products in the social web.
Why are they doing this? It’s because these companies see the value in delighting their customers with knowledge about their products who in turn are more than happy to share these positive experiences with their friends and networks!
By using social media tools that are freely available on the web, your business can achieve a higher level of customer interaction at the problem solving level, which for many, is usually their first step.
Check out Jonathan Crossfield’s slides at Slideshare.
How are you interacting with your clients via social media? Tell us in the comments section.
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