How to use your blog to win customers – Suresh Babu and Adam Franklin
After I gave two keynotes, one on blogging and one on inbound marketing, at the ICTT2013 conference I did an interview with Suresh Babu to dive a bit deeper on the subject.
Suresh Babu: Hi, this is Suresh. We are here at Kerala, after the ICTT event, the conference where I had the opportunity to meet Adam.
Adam Franklin: Hello.
Suresh Babu: So why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do?
Adam Franklin: Okay. Hello, my name is Adam Franklin. I’m from an Australian company called Bluewire Media, and I want to do a big shout-out to the OME Community and the Web Marketing Academy students and everybody else watching this video.
At the conference I was lucky enough to talk about two of my favourite things, blogging and inbound marketing. And they really go hand in hand. And specifically, I’d like to talk today about blogging and guest blogging.
Now I write for one Australia’s top business blogs, my Bluewire Media blog. So I like to share with audiences and people watching this the fact that blogging is such a powerful tool because you own the content and it’s your opportunity to share your know-how and your knowledge with your audience. And the more you can teach people and educate people and inform people, the more people are going to know, like, and trust you. And as we all know, that’s the way you win customers and repeat customers over time.
So blogging is tremendously powerful for those three reasons.
And above all, or not above all but in addition, you also attract back links, which is powerful for search. Which I know Suresh is an expert in.
It drives your social media and SEO
It’s powerful because it gives you lots of content to share on your social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
And it also is great because, like money in a bank account, it pays dividends over time. The more you invest in your content, the more it pays off because more people will find it, your Google rankings will go up, you’ll attract more back links.
And really, it all just begins to, you know, fade together and you have other avenues to online marketing. So, blogging, in my opinion, is the fundamental thing to be doing with you inbound marketing.
Suresh Babu: So, you know, you are asking about, I am going to write on blogging for you, and things like that, so do you want to share that you have some options for people who are really just have been link building. Also, you know, expose their brand for themselves.
Want to guest blog?
Adam Franklin: Absolutely, yes. Suresh has been telling me a little bit about the OME Community and his students and the Web Marketing Academy. And there’s so many experts that will be watching this that I’m all about sharing your knowledge and expertise with my audience in Australia.
There’s probably 7,000 people who get our weekly newsletter. So I’m always on the lookout for experts who are interested in submitting a guest blog post for us to publish on our Bluewire Media blog.
And additionally, if any of you have a blog, and you’re interested in me writing an article for you, I’m more than happy to.
So just reach out. Suresh has my details. Or else email me, Adam.Franklin[at], or else tweet me, @Franklin_Adam.
Kerala, India
Suresh Babu: I put @Franklin_Adam. And I will have all the details in our OME Community newsletter. So, Adam, talking about the experience in India. This is your first time in India, so how was your experience?
Adam Franklin: It was fantastic. It was… What really struck me most, I mean, was the roads were chaos. We had one accident, but it wasn’t our fault. I think the other driver paid the equivalent of 500 rupee and the policeman told us to be on our way, and that was a great experience. Riding an elephant was an amazing experience. And then sharing, or washing or bathing the elephant, and then sitting on its back and having it spray you with water was absolutely something I’ll remember forever. It’s captured on Instagram, and Facebook, and Vines…
Suresh Babau: And Vines, yes.
Adam Franklin: ...and Vines. All my friends in Australia, they’re looking at content from India and and from Kerala, and I’m sure many, many people, hopefully, will come to visit Kerala as result of it.
Suresh Babu: That’s right.
Adam Franklin: It’s a fantastic country.
E-book contributors?
Suresh Babu: One more thing I forgot is, Selina is going to write some e-books as well. Right? So she’s also looking for contributors.
So if you’re an expert, I know there’s a lot of experts in our OME Community, and that would be of use to her. So here is an opportunity for you all to contribute and to create content and showcase that you are an expert. So, Adam has volunteered and told us to come up with those things.
So thank you so much. It’s been a pleasure, Adam. And I, personally, understood a lot about you and Selina. It was great having you all together. So, look for our Web Portal Speaking Events and we’d be happy to invite you again.
Adam Franklin: Well, thank you, Suresh. And it would be fantastic to come back to India if there are any speaking opportunities, and talking about social
media, inbound marketing or blogging. I’d be happily come over here again. It’s a beautiful country.
Thank you.
Suresh Babu: Thank you. Thank you.
You can connect with us both:
Suresh Babu @sureshbabu_ or at his company website Web Marketing Academy India
Adam Franklin @Franklin_Adam or at Bluewire Media.