12 Of The Best Headline Writing Resources On The Web
The difference between good writers and great writers, in my opinion, is the “the art of headline.”
Why? The reason is that if 10 people are exposed to your article, 8 will read the headline, and only 2 will read actual article. This is why great writers are masters of headline writing. In fact, I should more correctly say they masters at stealing the best headlines!
Magazines covers, book titles, blog posts, email subject lines and tweets are all the realm of the crafty headline writer. The best writers “steal” headlines that work!
I’ve been compiling a list of the best resources I’ve found from some of the world’s best writers, blogger and marketers.
Here they are:
Brian Clark aka Copyblogger’s Magnetic Headlines
Jon Morrow’s 52 Headline Hacks (rego required) and Sex, Lies, and the Art of Commanding Attention
David Garfinkel’s Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich (Amazon book $42)
Darren Rowse aka ProBogger’s How to Craft Post Titles that Draw Readers Into Your Blog
Roger Parker’s Write the Best Titles for Content Marketing: A 10-Point Checklist
Andy Beal’s Optimize Blog Post Titles
Leo Widrich’s A scientific guide to writing great headlines on Twitter, Facebook and your Blog
Lawrence Bernstein & Art Crowley’s 527 Email Subject Lines That Dare You To Look Away (PDF link)
Jeff Bullas’ 10 Awesome Headlines that Drive Traffic and Attract Readers
Ray Edwards’ Headlines That Grab Readers by the Eyeballs and Suck Them into Your Message
Chris Garrett’s 102 Headline Formulas (PDF link)
Free resource: Free Headline Analysis tool
And my personal favourite headline hack if I am low on ideas is to checkout my favourite bloggers “most popular posts” and re-purpose those headlines for my own articles!
Here’s some of my own marketing experiments
Marketing Experiments: Email Subject Lines That Get Opened
Marketing Experiments: Email Content That Gets Clicked