Is Your Blog Your Greatest Business Asset?
Why would John Jantsch say that his blog is his greatest business asset?
Surely his email list, trademarked marketing system or his business contacts are worth more… How can a blog be so valuable? Surely this is a gee-up.
Not so. John Jantsch, author of two books, Referral Engine and Duct Tape Marketing is serious. And I totally agree!
[I’ve been listening to Referral Engine as an audio book from & if you want to fast forward to this bit, go Chapter 7 and start at 17:25mins]
Why is John Jantsch’s blog so valuable to him?
John says this about his blog,
“I can state without hesitation that it is the single, greatest business asset I own. It has lead to countless interviews with national publications, my first book deal and interactions with hundreds of thousands of small business owners.
My blog is an incredible source of search engine traffic and exposure for my products and services, but even if none of that were true, knowing what I know now, I would still write a blog.”
John demonstrates that your blog is the catalyst for all forms on online engagement. It allows you to create content. And you can think of it as a management system for your content that is already search engine friendly!
The hidden benefits of blogging?
John continues,
“The act of writing something, something about my business and passion, something I observe that touches me, something I learn and can’t wait to share is intrinsically rewarding.
I didn’t start blogging for these reasons, but they are the reasons I continue to advocate blogging to everyone.
Blogging makes me a better thinker.
Blogging makes me a better listening.
Blogging makes me a better writer.
Blogging makes me a better sales person.
Blogging makes me a better speaker.
Blogging keeps me focused on learning.
Blogging allows me to test out ideas.
Blogging makes me a better networker.
Blogging allows me to create bigger ideas.”
If that isn’t reason enough to blog, I don’t know what is!
I really like Referral Engine and John’s pragmatic approach to marketing. The key lesson is creating remarkable content on your blog (your hub) and then getting that content in front of your ideal buyers (your spokes).
Educational content is the starting point that allows people find you. And from there, you can nurture people through the seven steps where they know, like, trust, try, buy, repeat & refer you!
You can check out the Referral Engine website, buy Referral Engine on Amazon or follow John Jantsch on Twitter (@ducttape).
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