Man vs. machine – the automated customer anti-service
How many times do you ring a major company and get put on hold… for ages…. Only to be directed to the wrong place? The customer service person you finally speak to after seemingly endless automated messages tells you to ring another number. You ring that number and it’s not available.
Really Telstra? This number is only available to people calling off a Telstra line?
When you make it hard for me to get in touch, it tells me you don’t want my business.
Technology is (for the most part) designed to make our lives easier – but when service becomes almost entirely automated it can leave your customers feeling like you really don’t care. And that can mean they’ll go elsewhere.
Do you automate parts of your customer service?
Is it easy for your customers to get directly in touch with a real person when they want information or need help?
Let me know how you provide a balance of personalised service and automated response.