The 20 Most Retweeted Words
Thanks to the great people at Hubspot, I was excited to discover the 20 most retweeted words on Twitter.
It was pleasing to see that the Top 20 words included ‘calls to action’ (eg. please, retweet, check out & help) and words that indicated new and remarkable information (eg. blog, post, how to, top & great).
Equally pleasing was the fact that all the words associated with the mundane and inane (eg. bored, bed, watching & tired) were the least retweeted.
This picture was taken during Brian Halligan‘s keynote presentation at the recent Sydney Growth Summit.
The ‘take-home message‘ from this… If you’re creating remarkable content and sharing useful information, you are much more likely to be rewteeted!
[If your images are disabled, the 20 Most Retweeted Words are transcribed here for your benefit]
1. you
2. twitter
3. please
4. retweet
5. post
6. blog
7. social
8. free
9. media
10. help
11. please retweet
12. great
13. social media
14. 10
15. follow
16. how to
17. top
18. blog post
19. check out
20. new blog post